Abdominal spiracle = one of a pair of spiracles on an abdominal segment
Alutaceous = covered with minute cracks; leathery in texture
Annular = ring-shaped
Apex (pl. apices) = the tip or end of any structure
Basal = at the base or nearest to the main body
Bituberculate = with two distinct tubercles
Carinate = keeled
Clypeus = the anterior part of the face, between the frons and the mouthparts (Fig 3)
Clypeal teeth = teeth on the margin of the clypeus (Fig 3)
Cicatrix (pl. cicatrices) = a scar with elevated margins
Concave = hollowed out; the interior of a sphere as opposed to the outer or convex surface
Convergent = becoming closer distally
Convex = the outer curved surface of a segment of a sphere; opposite to concave
Coprophagous = feeding on excrement or on decaying vegetable matter resembling excrement
Coxa (pl. coxae) = the first (basal) segment of the leg (Fig 4)
Crenulate = with the margin finely notched with small, rounded teeth
Declivity = downward slope
Deflexed = abruptly bent downward
Dentate = toothed
Digit = a finger-like structure
Disc = the middle of a defined broad surface (of the elytra, pygidium, pronotum etc.)
Distal = toward the end (of a leg, segment etc.) furthest from the body
Dorsal = the upper surface
Epipleuron (pl. epipleura) = the reflexed lateral edge of the elytron, without striae (Fig 2)
Elytron (pl. elytra) = one of a pair of modified fore-wings of beetles, characteristically rigid, which fit over the abdomen when at rest, covering the hind wings (Fig 2)
Femur (pl. femora) = the third segment of the leg, between the trochanter and the tibia (Fig 4)
Fissure = a crevice or slit
Fossorial = formed for digging or burrowing
Frons = the middle dorsal portion of the head capsule, between the eyes and the clypeus (Fig 3)
Frontoclypeal suture = the suture between the frons and the clypeus (Fig 5)
Fungivorous = feeding on fungi
Gena (pl. genae) = the cheek; the area of the head on each side near the eye (Fig 5)
Genal suture = the suture defining the part of the head on each side below the eye (Fig 5)
Glabrous = smooth, hairless
Humerus (pl. humeri) = shoulder; basal exterior angle of the elytra (Fig 3)
Hypomeron = the portion of the pronotum that is ventral due to lateral folding
Impunctate = without punctures
Intercoxal process = a median protrusion of the basal segment of the abdomen between the hind coxae (Fig 4)
Interocular = between the eyes
Keel = an elevated ridge or carina
Labium (pl. labia) = the fused second maxillae, forming the floor of the mouth (Fig 1)
Labrum = the upper lip, abutting the clypeus in front of the mouth
Lamellate = leaflike
Lateral = on or relating to the side
Longitudinal = in the direction of the long axis
Mandibles = the first pair of jaws
Maxilla (pl. maxillae) = one of the second pair of jaws
Mesosternum = sternum of mesothorax (Fig 6)
Mesothorax = the second or middle thoracic segment, bearing the elytra and mid legs (Fig 7)
Metasternum = the sternum of the metathorax (Fig 6)
Metathorax = the third thoracic segment, bearing the hind legs and hind wings (Fig 7)
Necrophagous = feeding on dead or decaying animals
Oblique = having a slanting position; not vertical or horizontal or longitudinal
Prehensile = able to grasp or hold
Pronotum = the dorsal part of the prothorax (Fig 2)
Prosternum = the sternum of the prothorax (Fig 6)
Prothorax = the first thoracic segment, bearing the anterior legs, but no wings (Fig 7)
Pseudepipleuron (pl. pseudepipleura) = a narrow region dorsal to the epipleuron , defined by a secondary fold of the elytral disc (Fig 2)
Pterothorax = the wing-bearing part of the thorax (ie. the meso- and metathorax)
Punctate = pitted, covered with fine pits
Pygidium = the last dorsal segment of the abdomen, usually entirely exposed by the elytra in the Scarabaeinae (Fig 2)
Quadrate = four-sided
Reflexed = abruptly bent back
Reticulate = made up of a network of lines
Rugose = wrinkled
Scalloped = with a series of semicircular segments resembling a scallop shell
Sclerite = any part of the body wall bounded by membranes or sutures
Sclerotised = with a thickened, hardened cuticle
Serrate = with a row of triangular teeth (saw-like)
Setae = sclerotised hairlike projections
Sexual dimorphism = the difference in appearance between the two sexes of the same species
Shagreened = Covered with a closely set roughness; granular
Sinuate = wavy, usually in relation to margins or edges
Spine = a thornlike process of the cuticle, not separated from it by a joint
Spiracle = an external opening of the tracheal system
Spatulate = spoon shaped; rounded and broad at the tip, tapering at the base
Spur = a spine connected to the body wall by a joint; an articulated spine (Fig 4)
Sternum = the entire ventral section of any segment
Sternite = a subdivision of a sternum
Striae (singular - stria) = the longitudinal grooves running from the base to the apex of the elytra (Fig 3)
Subdentate (tarsal claws) = the lower edge is angled near the base of the claw
Subquadrate = not quite a square
Suture = groove marking the line of fusion between two formerly distinct plates, or longitudinal meeting point of elytra
Tarsal claw = a claw at the end of the tarsus (Fig 4)
Tarsus (pl. tarsi) = the last leg segment, attached to the end of the tibia. Made up of 5 subsegments (Fig 4)
Thoracic = belonging to or attached to the thorax
Thorax = the middle portion of the body, between the head and abdomen, consisting of three segments (prothorax, mesothorax, metathorax) (Fig 7)
Tibia (pl. tibiae) = the fourth segment of the leg, between the femur and the tarsus (Fig 4)
Transverse = across; perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
Trapezoidal = a four-sided figure in which 2 sides are parallel and 2 are not
Tribe = a subdivision of a sub-family, containing a group of genera, the name of which ends in "-ini"
Trochanter = the second segment of the leg, between the coxa and femur (Fig 4)
Truncate = cut off squarely at the tip
Tubercle = a small knoblike or rounded protuberance
Undulate = wavy
Umbilical = navel-shaped
Ventral = the under surface