


Elytral markings
Locating elytra
The elytra are posterior to the pronotum and are the largest visible dorsal sclerites (Fig. 1).
Locating markings
Each elytron may be divided up into the following regions: humeral, basal, discal (or median), scutellar, sutural, apical (Fig. 2A). The regions shown in fig 2A have arbituary boundaries and are an approximation only.
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The number of elytral spots is counted as the sum of both elytra (Fig. 3 shows 10 spots present).
Types of elytral marking
Six types of markings are recognised.
Spots or specklng: circular or quadrate marks (Fig. 4A), which may vary greatly in size.
Anteriorly lobed spots: circular marks with the anterior edge prolonged (Fig. 4B).
Triangular patches: broad triangular marks which narrow from the elytral margin towards the elytral suture (Fig. 4C).
Bars: short transverse marks across the elytral disc but not from margin to margin, which are usually quadrangular (Fig. 4D).
Bands: transverse sinuate marks, continuous from one elytral margin to the other (Fig. 4E).
Strips: longitudinal marks, usually near the scutellum, rarely extending the length of the elytra (Fig. 4F).
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