


Pronotal markings
Locating the pronotum
The pronotum is the large sclerite between the head and the elytra (Fig. 1).
Pronotal markings
The pronotum is variably marked in Cetoniinae and the patterns may be diagnostic.
The positions of the marks can be determined by reference to Fig. 2.
Types of pronotal pattern
- Pattern absent (the pronotum a single colour), or at most with a spot midway along each lateral margin (Fig. 3A).
- Dark broad central mark extending from the anterior to the posterior margin, with poorly defined paler margins (Fig. 3B).
- Dark M-shaped mark on the pronotal disc (Fig. 3C).
- Lateral margins abruptly pale, but anterior and posterior margins dark. Up to 4 small pale spots may be present on the pronotal disc (Fig. 3D).
- Anterior and lateral margins abruptly pale: distinct difference between the colouration of the pronotal disc and these margins. One or two additional pale areas may be present on disc (Fig. 3E).
- Anterior, lateral and posterior margins abruptly pale: distinct difference between the colouration of the pronotal disc and all margins (Fig. 3F).
- More than 4 spots present on disc, either large and dark or numerous small and pale (Fig. 3G).
- Other patterns or marks that do not easily fall into the above categories (Fig 3H).
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