Origin of name:

dunense = from the dunes

Diagnostic characters:

Small round grey leaves widely spaced on branches
Small heads in small terminal clusters
Bracts tinged pink in center


Perennial herb, taproot woody, stems many from the crown, up to 600 mm long, loosely branched, more or less prostrate, thinly white or greyish-white woolly, closely leafy. Leaves mostly 6-10 x 2.5-4.5 mm, spathulate, apex rounded, base broad, half-clasping, both surfaces closely greyish-white woolly. Heads homogamous, cylindric-campanulate, c. 4-5 x 3 mm, several clustered at the branch tips closely surrounded by leaves. Involucral bracts in 4 series, soon caducous, outer short, webbed with wool to surrounding leaves, others subequal, about equaling the flowers, not radiating, translucent, often tinged purple, tips abruptly acute, opaque, light golden-brown. Receptacle nearly smooth. Flowers c. 9-12. Achenes 0.75 mm long, glabrous. Pappus bristles many, about equaling the corolla, scabrid, bases with obsolete patent cilia.

Flowering between October and December.


On sand dunes.  Known from a few collections on the Western and Northern Cape coast in the vicinity of Lambert's Bay and at Hondeklipbaai and Grootderm in Namaqualand.

Fynbos and Succulent Karoo Biomes.


Not unlike H. litorale in facies, but more loosely branched and pappus uniseriate.




Helichrysum dunense Hilliard in Flora of southern Africa 33,7 (2): 143 (1983).



Western Cape, Clanwilliam div., 1 mile S. of Steenbokfontein (S. of Lambert's Bay), coastal sand dunes, 11 xii 1963, Nordenstam 3412 (E, holo.; S, iso.).






Acocks 19898 (PRE); Boucher 2603 (STE); Pillans 18066 (BOL).