Origin of name:

excisus = cut out, referring to the squarrose bracts

Diagnostic characters:

Densely branched shrubs
Bright yellow bracts
Grey spathulate leaves with emarginate tips
Compact to open inflorescence


Densely twiggy dwarf shrub up to 450 mm tall, very aromatic, old branches bare, rough with persistent leaf bases, twigs short, stiff, thinly grey-felted, closely leafy. Leaves suberect to spreading, 5-8 x 2-3 mm, thickish, spathulate, much narrowed to the base, very shortly decurrent, apex mucronate, recurved, both surfaces grey-felted. Heads homogamous, turbinate-cylindric, c. 4 x 2.5 mm, few in terminal corymbose clusters, often further aggregated. Involucral bracts in 6 series, graded, imbricate, inner slightly exceeding the flowers, lanceolate, acute, tips squarrose, some woolly hairs dorsally on shafts, outer golden sometimes tinged golden-brown, inner bright canary-yellow. Receptacle smooth or very shortly toothed. Flowers 7-11. Achenes not seen, ovaries with myxogenic hairs. Pappus bristles many, scabrid, tips barbellate, bases cohering strongly by patent cilia.

Flowering between November and February.


On hills and mountain slopes. Recorded from Montagu, Bredasdorp, Ladismith, Riversdale, Oudtshoorn and Willowmore degree squares.

Fynbos Biome.


Easily recognized by its small grey spathulate leaves and small heads with bright yellow squarrose bracts.




Helichrysum excisum (Thunb.) Less., Syn. Comp. 282 (1832); DC., Prodr. 6: 192 (1838); Harv. in F.C. 3: 237 (1865); Moeser in Bot. Jb. 44: 291 (1910).



Cape of Good Hope, Thunberg (sheet 19153, UPS, holo.).



Gnaphalium excisum Thunb., Prodr. 151 (1800), Fl. Cap. 655 (1823).



Acocks 23102 (PRE); Bolus 1053 (BM; BOL; SAM); Compton 10544 (NBG); Rogers 17893 (PRE; SAM); Stokoe in SAM 54699 (SAM).