Scientific name(s)
Hedysarum coronarium
- Short lived perennial for crop/pasture systems
- Produces large quantities of high quality forage in winter-spring, and regenerates quickly from persisting plants and regenerating seedlings in autumn in the second year
- Non-bloating due to condensed tannins that also convey a defence from bacterial and insect damage; and thus attractive to cattle producers
- Reputedly anthelminthic but confirmastion required in Australia, particularly with barber's pole worm (Haemonchus contortus)
- Deep tap-rooting legume that conveys environmental benefits and results in extended spring growth
- No seed bank/weed problems in future cropping phases
- Does not tolerate waterlogging or saline soils
- Dormant during the summer months
- Susceptible to two root rotting diseases, Rhizoctonia solanii AG 2-2, and Sclerotium rolfsii in the subtropics
- Must be managed to set seed in the first year, so that regeneration maximises plant population and performance in the second year
Plant description
Plant: Biennial or short lived perennial, semi prostrate to erect habit, growing 0.3 to 1.6 m tall.
Stems: Stems thick but succulent and palatable, becoming more woody when mature.Leaves: Pinnate with 7 to 15 pairs of round to oval leaflets with a terminal leaflet, succulent, upper surface hairless with lower surface hairy.Flowers: Red to crimson with up to 35 florets per flowering head.
Pods: Segmented with 3 to 8 egg shaped segments per pod which break up when mature; pods have a rough short thorny surface.
Seeds: Creamy white to light brown, slightly flattened, circular to kidney shaped, 190,000 to 230,000 seeds /kg.
Pasture type and use
A short term, ley legume for use in cropping systems; makes high levels of high quality dry matter production in winter-spring; can be grazed or cut for hay (less leaf drop than lucerne, but thicker stems are more difficult to dry) or silage; is not suitable for use in grass/legume pasture.
Where it grows
500-900 mm (subtropics); 550-900 mm (southern and Western Australia)
Adapted to well-drained, neutral to alkaline calcareous clay to loam soils having a pH range of 6.5 - 8.7 (water) or 5.8-8.0 (calcium chloride)
Winter growing, so can withstand frosts, produces more first year DM if sown in mid- rather than late-autumn.
Companion species
Sown alone as a legume forage crop
Sowing/planting rates as single species
5 - 10 kg/ha; target an establishment of at least 25 plants/m2
Sowing/planting rates in mixtures
Not applicable
Sowing time
Mid autumn to early winter
Specific inoculant WSM 1592
Based on soil test, in low P and S situations it will be necessary to apply 10-15 kg P and 10 kg S/ha, and other deficient nutrients.
Maintenance fertliser
Based on soil test, in low P and S situations it will be necessary to apply 10-15 kg P and 10 kg S/ha, and other deficient nutrients.
Should not be set stocked or crash grazed. It should be grazed when it is 40-50 cm in height to no lower than 15 cm, as most regrowth comes from the leaf axils rather than from the crown. Regrowth is generally slower than with lucerne and the grazing interval should be 6-10 weeks depending on conditions that determine the rate of regrowth.
Seed production
About 100 kg/ha of clean seed in the first year and 250 kg/ha in the second year.
Ability to spread
Will maintain good plant populations into the second season through plant survival and recruitment from seed set in the first year. Unlikely to spread beyond the area where sown.
Weed potential
Very low
Major pests
Appears highly tolerant to lucerne aphids. Helicoverpa (native budworm or Heliothus) larvae may attack sulla before and during early flowering causing some damage and the lucerne parasitic seed wasp can reduce seed yields. It is moderately resistant to red-legged earth mite and lucerne flea.
Major diseases
It is resistant to clover scorch disease, but susceptible to Sclerotium rolfsii and Rhizoctonia solanum AG 2-2, and moderately susceptible to Phytophthora medicaginis. It is reported to be susceptible to powdery mildew but not with the same severity as with medics.
Herbicide susceptibility
No grass or broadleaf herbicides are yet registered for use in sulla; seek advice from your agronomist. Dual Gold (pre-emergent) and Bromoxynil, Jaguar and 2,4DB (post-emergent) severely limit the survival and production of sulla.
Animal production
Feeding value
The crude protein content can be up to 26%, digestibility to over 80% and metabolisable energy (10.5-13 MJ/kg DM; in New Zealand, lambs grazing sulla grew up to 25% faster than those grazing ryegrass/white clover pastures and had higher dressing out percentages.
Extremely palatable for both sheep and cattle.
Production potential
Under ideal conditions, 8-12 t DM/ha in 1st year; 12-20 t/ha in 2nd.
Livestock disorders/toxicity
None known
Group | Cultivar | Seed source/Information |
Short term legume in cropping rotations - Grazing/Conservation | Wilpena![]() | Wrightson Seeds |
Flamenco![]() | Ballard SeedsSeed Distributors | |
Short term legume in cropping rotations - Grazing | Moonbi![]() | Wrightson Seeds |
Denotes that this variety is protected by Plant Breeder's Rights Australia