Rice Insect Pests and their Arthropod Parasites and Predators


Araneae (Spiders)


a small protuberance (tubercule) above the spinnerets through which the anus opens

internal ridges from the exoskeleton that support internal organs, provide points of muscle attachment and constitute the endoskeleton

any tubercular or elongate process of the body wall of an insect, internal or external


boat shaped; a concave disk with elevated margin


the hard covering of the cephalothorax in spiders

pertaining to the anal end of the arthropod body

belonging to or attached to the head; directed toward the head

the head/thorax unit of spiders to which the legs are attached

a description of a chelicera where the fang closes against a tooth-like process

the pinching pincer-like first pair of appendages of adult spiders

clubbed; thickening gradually toward the tip

a dense group of hairs or bristles (setae) underneath the paired tarsal claws, usually well developed in hunting spiders

the area of the carapace between the anterior (frontmost) eyes and the anterior edge of the carapace

a short protuberance in the middle of the underside of the abdomen in front of the spinnerets, considered to be a modification of the cribellum

a part of the palpal bulb that accompanies and supports the embolus

first leg segment, between body and trochanter; the coxa of the pedipalp is heavily modified to form the maxilla or endite

a small spiny outgrowth ("wart") on the endites and labium of Mygalomorph

the end part of the tarsus of the pedipalp in a mature male, usually hollowed out and bearing the palpal bulb


the upper (dorsal) surface of the body or abdomen; the adjective dorsal may be applied to the upper surface of any part of the body


the final part of the palpal bulb containing the end of the sperm duct, usually thin, sharp-tipped and strongly hardened (sclerotized)

a transverse slit towards front of underside of abdomen; the front pair of book lungs open at the edge of this furrow as do the gonopores

hardened plate on underside of female abdomen in which the copulatory openings are located; only fully developed in mature entelegyne spiders

the organs of sight; basic number is eight, typically arranged in two rows; consist of anterior median, posterior median and lateral eyes


final hinged part of the chelicera, normally folded into a groove in the basal part of the chelicera; venom is injected via opening near tip of fang

third leg segment, between trochanter and tibia

a depression or pit in the center of the carapace of a spider marking an inward projection of the exoskeleton to which stomach muscles are attached


the genital opening; located in the epigastric furrow; the opening of the duct from the uterus in females and from the testes in males

smooth, hairless and without punctures or structures

the genital opening; located in the epigastric furrow; the opening of the duct from the uterus in females and from the testes in males


a membranous, inflatable part of the palpal bulb

differing in kind; unlike in quality

similar in structure


a hardened plate (sclerite) between the maxillae at the front of the sternum

a component (the "upper lip") of the mouthparts, concealed by the chelicerae

(applied to appendages), viewed from above or below, the sides of the leg or pedipalp, i.e. the surfaces parallel to the line of sight

with legs directed to the side, hence appearing like and moving like a crab

legs are front (I) to rear (IV); relative length is represented by four numbers, longest to shortest e.g. 1243 = first (leg I) longest and third (leg III) shortest

any prominent rounded process on a margin or structure


one of two anterior median eyes (AME) having light-detecting units (rhabdomeres) pointing towards the source; enlarged in Salticidae and Thomisidae

a projection or bump on the chelicerae (not to be confused with teeth)

modified coxa of the pedipalp, used in feeding; not the structure called by this name in other arthropods

a projection (apophysis) of the palpal bulb, below the conductor

sixth leg segment, between tibia and tarsus; absent in the pedipalp


the copulatory organ of the male spider, carried on the modified last segment of the pedipalp, used to transfer sperm to the female

an outgrowth of the cymbium on the male pedipalp

fourth leg segment, between femur and tibia

the basal segment of a chelicera to which the fang connects

the narrow connection between the cephalothorax and abdomen

the second appendage of the cephalothorax in front of the first leg; bears the palpal bulb in male spiders

used to describe a structure which is curved in such a way that the outer edges are in front of the central part; opposite of recurved

viewed from above or below, the side of a leg or pedipalp nearest the mouth, i.e., the side facing forward; opposite of retrolateral

the side of the cheliceral furrow facing forward; particularly used for describing teeth; opposite of retromarginal


used to describe a structure which is curved in such a way that the outer edges are behind the central part; opposite of procurved

viewed from above or below, the side of a leg or pedipalp furthest from the mouth, i.e., the side facing backwards; opposite prolateral

a backward-facing projection on the tibia of the male pedipalp; distinguishing feature of the RTA clade

the side of the cheliceral furrow facing backward (towards the posterior end of the spider); particularly used for describing teeth; opposite of promarginal


an elongated process or appendage of some epigyne

a single hardened (sclerotized) part of the external covering (tegument, exoskeleton)

a brush of hairs (setae); called a claw tuft when on the end of the foot (tarsus), where it improves adhesion

a hardened (sclerotized) plate on the abdomen of some spiders

eye belonging to three pairs – anterior lateral eyes (ALE), posterior median eyes (PME) and posterior lateral eyes (PLE); primarily movement detectors

a subdivision of the body or appendages between areas of flexibility associated with muscle attachments e.g. articles of the legs and pedipalps

a bristle; spiders have a variety of hair-like structures of increasing size that are referred to as hairs, bristles (setae) or spines

a circular indentation on outside of spider, where an internal muscle is attached; on the sternum in some Mygalomorphae and dorsum in some Araneomorphae

rounded and broad at the top, attenuate at the base

a duct in the male palpal bulb used to store sperm

a structure in the abdomen of female spiders used to store sperm after insemination and before fertilization

a small pointed or cylindrical structure at the tip of a spinneret from which silk emerges

a pointed, rigid structure on body and legs, usually with a basal joint; spiders have a variety of hair-like structures of increasing size that are referred to as hairs, bristles (setae) or spines

appendages that produce silk and are located at the posterior portion of the abdomen; arranged in three pairs: anterior, median and lateral

the lower (ventral) portion of the cephalothorax

Araneae (Spiders) Top



just before the apex

that part of any joint or segment opposite the base by which it is attached; that part of the wing furthest removed from the base

at, near or pertaining to the apex of any structure

hump in the apical area

gradually tapering apically; drawn out; slender


that part of any appendage or structure nearest the body; on abdomen, part nearest the thorax

profoundly divided into two parts


a hard lump or swelling of the cuticle; in particular, a swelling at base of wing articulating with the thorax

having a keel-like elevation (or ridge) on the body-wall of an insect

a sclerite structure below the frons, circumposed by the mandibles and to which the labrum is attached anteriorly

running together

so near together as to touch

longitudinal wing vein, usually enlarged and along the anterior edge of the wing; an elevated ridge that is rounded at its crest

first leg segment, between body and trochanter

a cup-shaped organ


bending downward

in wings the more central part, or that area covered by the discal cell

a spot in the discal area


the anterior hardened or chitinous wings of beetles, serving as coverings to the hind wings

the deflexed or inflexed portions of the elytra, immediately beneath the edge


thread-like; slender and of equal diameter; a filiform antenna

a deep impression with well-marked sides; a pit

the antenna consists of a scape, six-segmented funicle, and club; the funicle is that part of the clavola between the club and the ring-joints


the area below the compound eyes; the insect equivalent to human cheeks

smooth, hairless and without punctures or structures


a small hook

having an unequal number of tarsal joints or segments on the feet

clothed with long, strong hair

the shoulder; in Coleoptera, the basal exterior angle of the elytra

in Coleoptera, the inflexed edge of the pronotum (pronotal hypomera)


not punctate or marked with punctures

broken in continuity but with the tips of the broken parts in line with each other

in elytra the space between two structures i.e., the sutural striae

freckled; covered with minute spots


the point of junction of the femur and the tibia


the upper lip; the anterior structure below the clypeus covering the base of the mandible and forms the roof of the mouth

containing some enlarged, flattened segments; sheet or leaf-like

any prominent rounded process or excrescence (an outgrowth or elevation) on a margin or structure

a body area or marking roughly in the shape of a crescent


jaw, anterior pair of mouthparts

bounded by an elevated or attenuated margin

paired mouthparts posterior to mandibles

the basal sclerite of the labium

the sclerite between the mesothoracic legs

the underside of the metathorax


a region on the thorax; the notopleuron is a thoracic pleurite (a sclerite on the pleuron)

of or relating to the notopleura

the dorsal or upper part of a segment


slanting; any direction between perpendicular and horizontal

a special closed cell in the hind wing of certain Coleoptera


the disc-like structure composed of three tarsal joints, on the anterior feet of the Dytiscidae

the second segment (antennomere) of the antenna

lateral sclerite of thoracic segment between tergum and sternum; pro-meso- and metapleuron refer to pleura of 1st, 2nd and 3rd thoracic segments

a fold or wrinkle

any small round opening on the surface

anterior portion of the episternum (anterior and larger lateral thoracic sclerite between the sternum and the and the notum

the upper or dorsal surface of the prothorax

the fore-breast; the sclerite between the forelegs (prothoracic legs)

the tergum of the last segment of the abdomen; in Coleoptera, the segment left exposed by the elytra


square or nearly so


snout-like prolongation of the head



the first or basal segment in antennae

in Coleoptera the triangular piece between the elytra

set with or bearing setae

structure of the male genitalia in Coccinellidae

a subdivision of a sternal plate

the entire ventral division of any segment; in general usage, the underside of the insect thorax, between the coxal cavities

marked with parallel, fine impressed lines

a longitudinal streak of color different from the ground

not quite spherical

under the humerus (shoulder)

of or pertaining to the suture

the line of juncture of the elytra in Coleoptera

a seam or impressed line indicating the division of the distinct parts of the body wall


the ring- or tube-like genitalia in Coleoptera

the posterior part of the gena, behind, before or beneath the eye

brownish yellow

rows of stiff hairs or bristles that are present on the tibiae

broader than long; running across

three times forked

cut off squarely at tip




the top of the head between the eyes, front, and occiput

broad longitudinal stripes

Coleoptera Top



at, near or pertaining to the apex of any structure


thickened front pair of wings


hook or pincer-like processes terminating the abdomen as the specialized appendages of earwigs; used as clasping organs in copulation


an elevated ridge or carina


a pair of processes on the ninth sternite, arising close to the base of the penis

the tergum of the last segment of the abdomen


broader than long

a little simple pimple or button

Dermaptera Top



large bristle, usually dorsally located, on apical antennal segment

last antennal segment enlarged and bearing a conspicuous dorsal bristle


one or two small lobes at base of wing, just above haltere

longitudinal wing vein, usually enlarged and along the leading (anterior) edge of the wing


pad-like or bristle-like structure at tip of last tarsal segment between claws

that part of the face between the front and the labium


front of head between epistomal suture and frontal sutures, includes median ocellus

in the insect antenna, that part of the clavola between the club and the ring joints


the styli of the ninth segment, when present, generally modified to form clasping organs


modified wing; usually a small, knobbed structure on 3rd thoracic segment

shoulder, anterior lateral angle of elytra

plate on thorax above hind coxae

the ninth abdominal sternite of the male insect; the subgenital plate

portion of the head included between the antennae, eyes and mouth


dorsal portion of second thoracic segment

a patch of hair or bristles above the mouth, on the lower part of the hypostoma above the vibrissae


area on thoracic dorsum, at lateral end of transverse suture


small, segmented appendages associated with mouthparts (maxillae or labium)

second antennal segment

the border of the mouth or oral margin in Diptera

lateral area of a thoracic segment

the fifth longitudinal wing vein; media3

anterior portion of pleuron

the sclerite below the base of the wing behind the mesopleural suture

refers to ptilinum, a bladderlike structure that everts from top of head during emergence of adult flies

the crescentic groove cutting across the frons above the antennal bases where the ptilinum has been withdrawn


in Diptera, a sub hemispherical part cut off by an impressed line from the mesonotum

a small scale above the halteres in Diptera

a subdivision of a sternal plate

specifically, and in general usage, the underside of the insect thorax between the coxal cavities

a dense, often discolored portion of the costal margin of a wing, usually at the end of the radius

last antennal segment bearing an elongate terminal fingerlike process

in Diptera, the ovipositor


curved bristles or hairs in some Diptera, situated between the mystax and antennae

Diptera Top



the sclerotized terminal portion of the male genital tract that is inserted into the female during insemination

genito-anal ring

a cushion-like pad between the tarsal claws


any notable prolongation of the front of the head; specifically the jointed structure or rostrum covering the maxillae


in Hemiptera, the thickened or raised spots on the thorax, especially of Pentatomidae

a thick swollen lump, harder than the surrounding tissues

chestnut brown; bright red brown

any process resembling a tail

an appendage (generally paired) of the tenth abdominal segment, usually slender, filamentous and segmented

a male copulatory structure: one of a pair of external anal processes of an insect that are used to grasp a female

clublike, enlarged at tip (e.g. clavate antennae)

in Hemiptera, the sharply pointed anal area of the hemelytra, next to the scutellum when folded

that part of the head below the front, to which the labrum is attached anteriorly

any structure between the head and thorax; in Hemiptera, the narrow constricted anterior part of the pronotum, generally set off by a groove

cylindrical, with a flat base, tapering to a point

the elongate middle section of the hemelytra which extends from the base to the membrane below the embolium; the harder part of the wing

tubelike structure located dorsally on abdomen

first leg segment, between body and trochanter

small triangular area at end of embolium of hemelytra


near or toward the free end of any appendage; that part of segment farthest from the body


notched; with an obtuse, rounded or quadrate section cut from a margin

narrow sclerite extending along anterior margin of hemelytra, from base to cuneus or membrane


third segment of telepodite, usually the principal segment of leg; articulated to the body through the trochanter; bearing tibia at distal end

adapted to digging

the unpaired sclerite of the head lying between the arms of the anterior portion of the epicranial suture; it bears the median ocellus

the combined part of the front and clypeus


smooth, hairless and without punctures or structures

ventral head sclerite which supports the submentum


front pair of wings in Hemiptera, usually with a thickened basal region

spine on the shoulder of the humerus (the lateral angle of the prothorax)

the shoulder, lateral angle of the prothorax

transparent or partly so; water like in color; glassy


in Hemiptera, the two lateral lobes of the head, one on each side of the tylus (the distal part of the clypeus)

sclerite of the head


having an elevated ridge or carina


lance- or spear-shaped; oblong and tapering to the end


not deeply furrowed or grooved


a minute simple eye in adult insects consisting of a single bead-like lens occurring singly or in small groups

one of the lateral metasternal openings of the stink glands placed near the coxa in the adult; paired and dorsal on the abdomen of the nymph


the genital appendages of the male

a lateral sclerite of thoracic segment, between tergum sternum; pro-meso- and metapleuron refer to pleura of 1st, 2nd and 3rd thoracic segments

behind the clypeus

narrow constricted anterior part of the pronotum, generally set off by a groove

the upper or dorsal surface of the prothorax

one of the lateral parts of the thorax

false arolia; paired structures found beneath the claws in some Hemiptera

set with impressed points or punctures

the upper piece of the genitalia


adapted for seizing prey; predacious

like a network, sculptured

the beak; a jointed sheath formed by the labium to enclose the stylets or trophi (insect mouthparts)


glandular structures, sometimes eversible, sometimes in the form of hair tufts for diffusing odors that may be repellent

in Hemiptera, the triangular part of the mesothorax

a simple sense organ, or one of the structural units of a compound sense organ

wavy; specifically of edges or margins

a tube-like mouthpart

the instrument of suction in sucking insects

a subdivision of a sternal plate

a spiracle or breathing pore

sound produced by rubbing one surface or one structure upon or against another both being suitably roughened; act of making creaking sounds

connected with or the nature of stridulation

the basal sclerite of the labium, by means of which it is attached to the head

slightly less than square


roof-like, sloping from a median ridge

a sclerotized forewing serving to cover the hind wing; sometimes employed also in the Hemiptera for the hemelytra

one of the articular sclerites of the insect wing

a dorsal sclerite or part of a segment, especially when such part consists of a single sclerite

the projection of the pronotum over the mesonotum

running across

hair-bearing spots on the underside of the abdomen in many Hemiptera

a small, rounded projection or protuberance

somewhat swollen or puffed up

a central prominence on the upper front side of the head of some hemipterons; distal part of the clypeus or anteclypeal region


the top of the hyhyhead between the eyes, front and occiput

Hemiptera Top



departing from the regular or normal type

the cavity into which an appendage is articulated; specifically, a coxal cavity

the sclerotized terminal portion of the male genital tract that is inserted into the female during insemination

the wing-bearing plate of the dorsum of the mesothorax or metathorax

that part of the thorax to which the wings are attached

plate on last segment of the abdomen

longitudinal unbranched veins extending from base of wing to outer margin below the cubitus

a sclerotization of the inner wall of the phallocrypt (a pocket of the gentital chamber) or phallotheca, often forming a ring or tube around the aedeagus

at, near or pertaining to the apex of any structure

one of the internal ridges from the exoskeleton that support internal organs, provide points of muscle attachment, and constitute the endoskeleton

any tubercular or elongate process of the body wall of an insect, internal or external


in Hymenoptera, the central of three median areas on the metanotum

one of the small spaces between veins: a small wing cell

gradually tapering apically

two small subtriangular sclerites at the lateral basal angles of the mesoscutellum in Ptroctotrupidae



1st costal and subcostal

a blister, or blister-like structure


a moveable spur or spine-like process

a keel-like elevation (or ridge) on the body-wall of an insect

a pincer-like organ

bearing a chela or claw

fringes; series of moderate or thin hair on a surface or margin such as wings

a row of parallel hairs or cilia in the discal portion of the wing

a clasping organ in the male genitalia

a club; the enlarged apical joints of a clubbed antenna

all the antenna except the first and second segments


a sclerite structure below the frons, circumposed by the mandibles and above the labrum

hollowed out; the interior of a sphere as opposed to the outer or convex surface

running together


wrinkled; with alternate ridges and channels

longitudinal wing vein, usually enlarged and along the leading (anterior) edge of the wing

the anterior margin of a wing

furnished with costae or longitudinal raised ribs

in Hymenoptera, a small ridge separating the externo-median metathoracic area into two parts

the 5th longitudinal vein of the wing, extending from wing base and usually 2-branched before reaching outer wing margin

the outer covering (cuticle)


sloping gradually downward

a finger-like structure

an expansion or widening

on or relating to the disc of any surface or structure

moderate or thin hair arranged in single lines; thin scattered hair in the discal area of the wing

the middle area of the wing

in Hymenoptera, 1st media2, media3 and media4

that part of a segment farthest from the body


obliterated; rubbed out

notched; with an obtuse, rounded or quadrate section cut from a margin

pertaining to the episternum

the anterior and larger lateral thoracic sclerite between the sternum and the notum

in Hymenoptera, the elevated margin of an oblique furrow in the propleura for the reception of the front femora

with a depression that is not a segment of a circle

spread out and flattened; applied to a margin

protruded; projecting beyond the body


the part of the antenna distal to the pedicel composed of one or more segments, called flagellomeres

a deep depression with well marked sides; a pit

a hook into which the frenulum is fitted

the spine arising from the base of the hind wings, projecting beneath the forewing, whose function is to unite the wings in flight

an edging of hair on wings extending well beyond the margin

frontal area of an insect's head. It covers the upper part of the face above the clypeus and below and between the antennae; it usually bears an ocellus

in antennae, that part of the clavola between the club and ring joints; in Hymenoptera a slender ligament connecting the propodeum to the petiole dorsally

dark brown, approaching black


in ants, the globular or ovoid last seven or eight segments of the abdomen, behind the pedicel or petiole

lateral portion of head below and behind eyes, the "cheek"

all the genital structures collectively

the gena and lateral margins of the hind head


pertaining to the genitalia this structure is represented as an annular sclerite

a sclerite, serving as the base of the ovipositors sheath

sometimes called a gonadopore, it is a genital pore in many invertebrates

roughened with granules or made up of distinct grains


the minute hooks on the anterior margin of the hind wings used to unite them, while in flight

transparent or partly so; water like in color; glassy

over the occiput

the anus


without an elevated rim or margin

notched, or deeply cut into



the backwardly projecting area of contact with the hind- of the insect forewing


a thin plate or leaf-like process

lance- or spear-shaped

relating, pertaining, or attached, to the side

any prominent rounded process on a margin or structure


long bristles

the area on each side of the head included between the proximal end of the mandible and the ventral end of the compound eyes

a furrow or groove in the malar area (the area on each side of the head)

thin scattered hair on the margin

vein of, belonging to, or near the margin

jointed appendages of the maxilla

joint on the mesoepinotum (propodeum)

the lateral surface of the mesothorax

the scutum or dorsal plate of the middle thoracic segment

small elevations or depressions or both, arranged in some definite manner


median ventral projection


cu-a cross vein in wing

small segment or segments between the thorax and the main part of the abdomen in ants

longitudinal furrows convergent posteriorly in the anterior part of the mesonotum

the dorsal or upper part of a segment; tergum

the upper surface of the neck connecting the head and thorax



not pointed

that part of the head behind the vertex

yellow with a slight tinge of brown

of or relating to an orbit; specifically, the orbit of the eye


belonging, relating or attached to the palpi

(of lines, planes, surfaces, or objects) side by side and having the same distance continuously between them

of or relating to the parapsides

lateral pieces of the scutellum separated from the mesal part by the parapsidal furrow, suture or groove

small sclerites, articulated to the dorsal extremity of the episternum, just below the wings; absent on thorax; = tegulae in Hymenoptera


movable processes

the one or two segments of the base of the abdomen (in ants) which are much reduced. The second joint in the antenna

the first segment of a two-segmented pedicel in ants

bearing hair

folds or wrinkles

before the orbit of the eye

an area along the anterior margin of the episternum of the mesothorax, in some separated by a suture-like furrow

the dorsal section of prothorax; 1st segment of thorax

spiracle on the propodeum

the first abdominal segment when it forms a part of the alitrunk (that part of the thorax to which the wings are attached); termed epinotum in ants

first or anterior thoracic segment

that part of the appendage nearest to the body

a thickened opaque spot on the costal margin of the wing, near its middle or at the end of the radius

set with impressed points or punctures

covered with pustules

the terminal part or hind segment of the body; the tergum of the last segment of the abdomen


the wing area between the radius and the media, often divided

the segment or joint of the antenna articulated to the head

a wing vein

a branch-like division of any structure or appendage

running backward

like a network, sculptured


a small wrinkle

minutely wrinkled


the basal joint in geniculate antennae

any piece of the insect body wall bounded by sutures

the sclerotic ring of a body segment, as distinguished from the membrane uniting it to others

of the insect integument, hardened in definite areas by deposition or formation of other substances than chitin in the cuticula

the usually circular impressions upon the frons, in which the scapes revolve


superficially marked with elevations or depressions or both

the smaller part of the alinotum (the wing-bearing plate of the dorsum of the mesothorax or metathorax) set off by the transcutal suture

the major part of the alinotum set off by the transcutal suture in certain Hymenoptera

a simple sense organ

ridges pertaining to the senses

closely seated; having the abdomen closely attached for nearly its full width to the thorax

bearing or producing setae

furnished or covered with setae or stiff hairs

a transparent area or spot on the wings

a breathing pore

a spine-like appendage of the cuticula, connected to the body wall by a joint; generally, in the tibia

any fine longitudinal impressed line

marked with parallel, fine, impressed lines

in the hind wings, the section between the costal margin and the first strong vein

slightly less than petiolate (a stem or stalk)

not quite square

a furrow or groove


one of the segments of the tarsus

small scale-like structure overlapping base of front wing in Hymenoptera

the posterior part of the gena behind, before or beneath the eye

a dorsal sclerite or part of a segment, especially when such part consists of a single sclerite

the outer margin of the wing, between the apex and the hind or anal angle

bearing a hard covering; brownish yellow

small, whitish or transparent spots in the recurrent veins in the cubital cellule in some Hymenoptera

the junction of the termen and dorsum of the wing

the basal socket joint of the antenna upon which the organ is articulated for movement in all directions

broader than long

a little simple pimple or small button; in Sphecoidea, rounded lobes of the dorsal lateral of the pronotum

somewhat swollen or puffed up




the anal lobe of an insect's wing especially when large and fanlike

the top of the head between the eyes, front and occiput




at, near or pertaining to the apex of any structure




forked; dividing into pairs


small, depressed pale spot on the front of head between eyes


transparent or partly so; water like in color; glassy


a dent or dimple


the anterior structure below the clypeus covering some of the mouthparts, sometimes called the "upper lip"

any prominent rounded process on a margin or structure


beaded like a necklace



head narrowing anteriorly into a snout-like projection

a knot or knob


the dorsal section of prothorax;1st segment of thorax


like a network, sculptured


not quite ovate (egg-shaped)


three forked

cut off squarely at the tip


in termites, the stump of a shed wing

Isoptera Top



sclerotized terminal portion of the male genital tract that is inserted into the female during insemination. Shape important in separating closely related species

the anterior corner of the wing

close to the actual, but not completely accurate or exact


the copulatory pouch of the female


patch of sensory bristles

in genitalia, a slender, heavily chitinized spine

the leading edge of the wing


in Lepidoptera, the large or median cell extending from the base of the wing toward the center


a lappet-like process covering an excavation on the foretibia of many Lepidoptera


a transverse band or broad line; termed common when it crosses both wings

the part of the antenna, distal to the pedicel, composed of one or more segments, called flagellomeres

the spine, simple in males, compound in females, arising from the base of the hind wings, projecting beneath the forewing, whose function is to unite the wings in flight


in the genitalia of male Lepidoptera, one of a pair of clasping organs developed as appendages of the ninth abdominal sternite

a sucker; applied to that portion of the mouth of a sucking insect through which liquid food is drawn (nectar in Lepidoptera)


lobelike process at base of front wing, overlaps hind wing

an organ in the males of most Lepidoptera that supports the aedeagus, the organ used for reproduction; the juxta is located between the two valvae


the one- to four-jointed sensory appendages of the insect labium, shorter than the maxillary palpi and commonly three-segmented


simple eye above each compound eye

a round or oval spot in the discal cell in the forewing of some noctuid moths


small segmented appendages associated with mouthparts (maxillae or labium)

small sclerites, articulated to the dorsal extremity of the episternum, just below the wings; absent on thorax; = patagia in Lepidoptera

extending forward horizontally; of the head, projecting

tubular feeding and sucking organ


kidney shaped

in Lepidoptera, the loop into which the frenulum of the male is fitted


in the genitalia of male Lepidoptera, the ventral part of the harpé

a fine short transverse mark or line

not quite globular or globe-shape


in the genitalia of male Lepidoptera, a process arising from the dorsobasal angle of the harpé


in the genitalia of male Lepidoptera, the central part of the harpé

Lepidoptera Top



one grade or step arranged in a series


short twig-like branches resulting from bifurcations of veins at margin of wing


the third vein, usually the strongest vein on the wing, with branches usually cover the largest area of wing apex


the prominent cell, usually opaque and colored, near the tip of each wing on the anterior margin; also called pterostigma

the second longitudinal wing vein, posterior to the costa

Neuroptera Top



longitudinal unbranched veins extending from base of wing to outer margin below the cubitus

small cross veins along the basal portion of the front edge of wings

a cross vein between the radius and cubitus near the base of the wing


a keel-like elevation (or ridge) on the body-wall of an insect

in Odonata veins connecting cubitus and the first anal veins

pertaining to the cubitus and the anal vein of the wing


in dragonflies a basal quadrangular cell, in the wing venation, delimited by veins MA, MP, MAb and the arculus


a small face or surface; one of the parts, areas of lens-like divisions of the compound eye

the upper anterior portion of the head capsule, usually a distinct sclerite between the epicranium and clypeus




having an elevated ridge or carina


a thin, flat chitinous plate, scale or layer

any rounded process or excrescence on a margin or structure


strong cross vein near middle of costal border of wing


the prominent cell, opaque and colored, on anterior margin near tip of each wing of the Odonata


four angled; square


a subdivision of a sternal plate


broader than long


in Odonata the posterior margin of the sternum of segment 8

Odonata Top



spines that connect by a joint; jointed or segmented

gradually tapering apically; drawn out; slender

organs related to the sense of hearing


a keel-like elevation (or ridge) not necessarily high or acute, on the body-wall of an insect

an appendage, (generally paired) of the tenth abdominal segment, usually slender, filamentous and segmented


top surface of body


venation in the modified, leathery forewing


the extreme point or front of the vertex

formed for or with the habit of digging or burrowing

front of head between epistomal suture and frontal sutures, includes median ocelli


lateral portion of head below and behind eyes, the "cheek"

in the male the external opening of the median ejaculatory duct; in females the median opening of the oviductus communis


lance- or spear-shaped; oblong and tapering to the end

any prominent rounded process


an elevated ridge or median dorsal carina in the head

dorsal portion of second thoracic segment

lateral plate of mesonotum

two median lobes of the mesosternum, one on each side of the deep median notch




the lateral region of any segment of the insect body, commonly the thoracic segments

the spaces or areas formed by three transverse impressions on the pronotum

the upper or dorsal surface of the prothorax

one of the lateral parts of the thorax

of or belonging to the prosternum

peg-like structure in the prosternum (sclerite between the forelegs)


reflexed; directed backward


the basal joint in geniculate antennae

finely serrated tibia; with minute teeth or notches

wavy; specifically of edges or margins

specifically, and in general usage, the underside of the insect thorax between the coxal cavities.

parts of the insect structure which are used in making sounds; one part is a file-like area and the opposing one a scraper or rasp

veinlets connected with stridulation (making creaking sounds)

slightly less than conical (round and tapering to a point or gradually lessening in circumference)

a plate or process to cover the gonopore from below

slightly less than square

a furrow or groove

plate above the anus


a covering; the hardened leathery or horny forewing in Orthoptera

having three lobes

covered or furnished with tubercles (solid pimple or small button)


in Orthoptera, one of the corneous (horny or chitinous) pieces of the ovipositor

small veins in the insect wing; In Orthoptera, the minute transverse ribs or ridges between the longitudinal veins

the top of the head between the eyes, front and occiput

Orthoptera Top



fan shaped; with long thin processes lying flat on each other like the folds of a fan

the second or deutocerebral segment of the head

the sclerotized terminal portion of the male genital tract that is inserted into the female during insemination; its shape is often important in separating closely related species


the second or intermediate region of the insect body bearing the true legs and wings

the basal segment of the leg, by means of which it is articulated to the body


the paired membranous reticulated organs of flight


the anterior leg with a spine-like structure on the tibia


the foot; the jointed appendage attached at the apex of the tibia on the midleg

the part of the antenna distal to the pedicel composed of one or more segments


the foot; the jointed appendage attached at the apex of the tibia on the hind leg


jointed appendages of the maxilla

one of a pair of jaws in insects

the distal sclerite of the insect labrum bearing the moveable parts

mouthpart; the maxillae are paired and arranged behind the mandibles


the area on each side of the scutum

behind the scutellum

setae anterior to the wing

setae directed forward of the eye orbit

the reduced front wings of the Strepsiptera

behind the scutellum

behind the notum


the middle division of the notum

the posterior division of the notum

the ventral piece in a ring or segment


a dorsal sclerite or part of a segment

of or pertaning to the trochanter and femur jointly

the fourth division of the leg, articulated at the proximal end to the femur and bearing on the distal end the tarsi

the foot; the jointed appendage attached to the apex of the tibia bearing the claws and pulvilli

Strepsiptera Top



fine hairs along the edges of the wing


minute, hair-like structures found on the wings


a sense organ of which the external part has the form of a minute cone or peg

Thysanoptera Top