Tubulifera Australiensis

Thysanoptera-Phlaeothripidae genera in Australia


In the insect Order Thysanoptera, the suborder Tubulifera includes only a single family of living thrips, the Phlaeothripidae, and this family includes at least 66% of the thrips species known from Australia. The illustrated identification system presented here helps to distinguish the 150 genera of Phlaeothripidae recorded from Australia up to January 2022, and for each genus a list is provided of species recorded from Australia, together with information about their biology and suitable published references. Adults of many species of Phlaeothripidae exhibit remarkable differences in body structure between large and small individuals, also many of them have surprising structural differences between sexes as well as between winged and wingless individuals. As a result of such variation, it is often difficult to identify genera and species without having access to a representative collection. This system is a companion to Thysanoptera Australiensis that was published in 2020 and provided identification and information details for the 100 genera and 340 species in the five families of suborder Terebrantia known from Australia.
This is the sixth similar system concerning Thysanoptera that has been issued from CSIRO, Canberra in recent years.

Mound L, Collins D & Hastings A (2018) Thysanoptera Britannica et Hibernica. A guide to British thrips. Lucidcentral.org, Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. see British thrips

Mound L, Hoddle MS & Hastings A (2019) Thysanoptera Californica. An identification and information system to thrips in California. Lucidcentral.org, Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. see California thrips

Mound LA, Nielsen M & Hastings A (2017) Thysanoptera Aotearoa - Thrips of New Zealand. Lucidcentral.org, Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. see New Zealand thrips

Mound LA & Tree DJ(2020) Thysanoptera Australiensis – Thrips of Australia. Lucidcentral.org, Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. see Thrips in Australia

Zhang SM, Mound LA, & Hastings A (2019) Thysanoptera Chinensis. Thripidae Genera from China . Lucidcentral.org, Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. see China Thripidae

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