Origin of name:

isolepis = with equal scales

Diagnostic characters:

Leaf margins and midveins woolly
Bracts bright yellow
Compact inflorescence
Large flower heads


Much-branched, straggling perennial herb, stems branching at ground level, decumbent, rooting, then erect to c. 300 mm, simple or subsimple, loosely white-woolly, closely leafy, more distantly so under the heads. Leaves c. 10�25 x 3�5 mm, diminishing upwards, oblong-obovate to oblong, apex subacute or obtuse, mucronate, uppermost with a yellow scarious appendage, base narrowed, half-clasping, both surfaces coarsely glandular-pubescent, cobwebby initially, margins thickened, they and the midvein below white-woolly. Heads homogamous, campanulate, c. 7 x 6�7 mm, several in a spherical cluster c. 20 mm across at the branch tips. Involucral bracts in 5 series, subequal, loosely imbricate, bases webbed together with wool, oblong-elliptic, tips very obtuse, somewhat crisped, about equaling flowers, semiglossy, bright canary-yellow, radiating. Receptacle shortly honeycombed. Flowers c. 24�35. Achenes 1.5 mm long, glabrous. Pappus bristles many, equaling corolla, tips barbellate, yellow, bases cohering by patent cilia.

Flowering in December and January.


Grows in stony mountain grassland, forming loose tangled clumps. Known only from the Great Winterberg and Katberg Pass in the Eastern Cape.

Thicket and Grassland Biomes.


The habit is somewhat similar to H. montanum although the heads are very different. Leaves resemble those of certain forms of H. aureum and H. marginatum. Rarely collected.




Helichrysum isolepis H. Bol. in Trans. S. Afr. phil. Soc. 18: 385 (1907).



Eastern Cape, mountainside Great Winterberg, Queenstown distr., 8 iii 1900, c. 2 250 m, Galpin 2657 (K; PRE).






Hilliard & Burtt 10957 (E; GRA; K; M; MO; NU; PRE; S).