Thrips of New Zealand


Body contents are removed by soaking specimens in a weak NaOH solution for an appropriate period—the length of the treatment being determined by experiment. Use very weak NaOH solution (2%) overnight (for black specimens much longer), at room temperature; avoid heating as it causes damage to setae and the body surface.

  1. Place up to 20 thrips into clean water in an excavated block. Try to make some specimens float with their wings on the surface. Leave for 1 hour.
  2. Add to the water an equal volume of 5% NaOH solution and leave overnight (for black specimens as long as necessary).
  3. Transfer the specimens from the weak NaOH solution to water for a few hours, using a needle or wire loop. Gently massage each specimen to expel most of the body contents, and spread the legs and antennae.
  4. Store the specimens in 60% alcohol for 12 to 24 hours.

Dehydration and slide mounting

Dehydration removes water, and renders the specimens translucent in clove oil.

  1. Replace the 60% alcohol with 70% alcohol and leave for about 1 hour; the legs, antennae and wings should be spread.
  2. Replace with 80% alcohol and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Replace with 95% alcohol and leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Replace with absolute alcohol and leave for 5 minutes.
  5. Transfer to clove oil and leave for at least half an hour; gently massage and stretch each specimen if necessary to prevent collapsing.