Frogs of the Solomon Islands

Frogs of the Solomon Islands This key is designed for live specimens of the 21 frog species from the political Solomon Islands (excludes Bougainville). It is mainly for use with adult specimens but may be used for juveniles if body size is not used. We have included photographs or line drawings of the natural variation…

The Pea Key

The Pea Key The legume family Fabaceae is one of the most diverse in the world with more than 19,000 species, which are usually recognised by their pod-shaped fruit (peas and beans). Faboideae is its largest subfamily and is usually recognised by the pea-shaped flowers. The flowers of Vandasina retusa are typical of the Pea…

Key to Insect Orders

Key to Insect Orders Using this unique keying software (Lucid) you do not need to know the taxonomy of the Insect Order you are trying to identify – you can progress from any level or characteristic learning as you go, solving the taxonomic problems by trial and error. This approach makes Key to Insect Orders…