Key to Order & Superfamily of Australian Collembola

Key to Order & Superfamily of Australian Collembola This key covers all 14 families of Collembola known from Australia.  Few Collembola are truly aquatic and some families such as Cyphoderidae (ant inquilines) and Oncopoduridae (cave and soil species) would rarely be met in aquatic samples.  But members of almost any family may occur in aquatic…

Key to Orders of Australian Aquatic Arthropoda

Key to Orders of Australian Aquatic Arthropoda This key is apart of the Keys to Australian Aquatic Macro-Invertebrates. This intermediate-level key covers the huge and diverse phylum Arthropoda. The major classes of arthropod found in inland waters are Crustacea (all life stages) and Insecta (adults and/or larvae and/or pupae).  Lesser components of the fauna include…

Key to Insect Orders

Key to Insect Orders Using this unique keying software (Lucid) you do not need to know the taxonomy of the Insect Order you are trying to identify – you can progress from any level or characteristic learning as you go, solving the taxonomic problems by trial and error. This approach makes Key to Insect Orders…