Anypodetus dichotomous key

Anypodetus dichotomous key Version 1, 2023 Dichotomous, pathway key to species of the Afrotropical Asilidae genus Anypodetus Hermann, 1907 developed in taxonomic revision published in Dikow & Dubus 2023 in African Invertebrates ( Authors Torsten Dikow and Meliah Dubus

Spider mites of Australia (including key exotic southeast Asian pest species)

Spider mites of Australia (including key exotic southeast Asian pest species) About the key This interactive key provides diagnostics for all the species of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) previously recorded in Australia, based mostly on literature records. Several species collected in Australia, but not yet recorded in the literature, are also included (manuscript in prep).…

An interactive key to the troglobitic invertebrates of Brazil

An interactive key to the troglobitic invertebrates of Brazil Introduction This key is an interactive tool to help identify the troglobitic invertebrates species that occurs in Brazil. The key comprises 78 species, forming a matrix of 231 morphological characters and more than 200 images to support identification. Key Author(s): Daniele Regina Parizotto, Amanda Ciprandi Pires,…

Key to Phylum and Class of Australian Aquatic Invertebrates

Key to Phylum and Class of Australian Aquatic Invertebrates This is the central key in this series of linked Keys to Australian Aquatic Macro-Invertebrates.  The key is designed to identify any specimen to a level corresponding approximately to Phylum or Class. For most major invertebrate groups this key points directly to a family-level subkey.  For arthropod…

The South African Sarcophaginae

The South African Sarcophaginae The flesh flies (Family Sarcophagidae) are comprised of three subfamilies Sarcophaginae, Miltograminae and Paramacronychiinae. This project proposes to focus on members of the subfamily Sarcophaginae found within South Africa. Identifying flesh flies is generally recognized as a difficult challenge because the group is rather uniform in its external morphology. The identification of species within this subfamily is…

Terrestrial Mollusc Tool

Terrestrial Mollusc Tool The Terrestrial Mollusc Tool was specifically designed to assist in the identification of adult terrestrial slugs and snails of agricultural importance. The tool also includes species of quarantine significance as well as invasive and contaminant mollusc species commonly intercepted at U.S. ports of entry. This Lucid-based identification tool specifically targets federal, state…

Soil Microarthropods

Soil Microarthropods This is a key to the major lineages (Classes and Orders) of soil-inhabiting microarthropods. For our purposes this means that arthropods < 1 cm in length as adults are included. Authors: David Evan Walter & Heather C. Proctor Soil Microarthropods home page Soil Microarthropods Lucid key interface Soil Microarthropods feature example Soil Microarthropods…

Beetles of the World

Beetles of the World Beetles (order Coleoptera) are the most diverse and species-rich group of animals in the world. This fully-illustrated key allows users to identify adult beetles to the level of family, subfamily, and often to genus. Authors: J. F. Lawerence, A. M. Hasting, A. Seago, and A. Slipinski CSIRO Entomology To ask questions…

Australian Soft Scale (Coccidae) Genera

Australian Soft Scale (Coccidae) Genera This is the first key to the known genera of Australian soft scales (Sternorryncha: Coccoidea: Coccidae). About 80 described species of soft scales in 26 genera have been recorded from Australia (Ben-Dov et al. 2009). The real diversity of Australian soft scales in poorly known; most Australian specimens can not…