Terrestrial Mollusc Tool

Terrestrial Mollusc Tool

Arion rufus (Photo: © G. Brocker,Wikipedia)

The Terrestrial Mollusc Tool was specifically designed to assist in the identification of adult terrestrial slugs and snails of agricultural importance. The tool also includes species of quarantine significance as well as invasive and contaminant mollusc species commonly intercepted at U.S. ports of entry. This Lucid-based identification tool specifically targets federal, state and other agencies or organizations within the U.S. that are concerned with the detection and identification of molluscs of significance. This tool includes 33 families and 128 species. This resource also includes an interactive identification key, comparison chart, fact sheets, biological and ecological notes, a dissection tutorial, a glossary of commonly used terms, and a list of useful links and references. It should be noted that this dynamic tool is not inclusive of all mollusc pests, as new species of interest arise almost daily.