An Identification key for Epacris

An Identification Key for Epacris A genus of 56 species, 4 with recognised sub-species. Tas., SA, Vic., NSW., Qld., New Zealand and New Caledonia. Author: Ron Crowden An Identification Key for Epacris – Lucid interface An Identification Key for Epacris – Example image gallery Previous Next

Fruit and Seed Family ID

Fruit and Seed Family ID Identify fruits and seeds to family Fruits and seeds form the bulk of agricultural commerce and are common contaminants in commodities. If introduced, non-native species may naturalize, leading to devastating consequences for crops and wildlands, so correct identification of fruits and seeds is essential to safe trade. Fruit and Seed Family…

ANU Key for Families of Dicotyledons

ANU Key for Families of Dicotyledons The ANU Xylarium is one of Australia’s only curated wood collections. From the first samples collected in 1926 for wood identification and teaching, the collection has expanded rapidly and is now supported by physical index cards that permit the identification of wood and plant families based on macroscopic traits.…

Tropical Forages: an interactive selection tool

Tropical Forages: an interactive selection tool In early 2000, funds were obtained for a collaborative project to develop a digital support tool to help farmers, advisors, and researchers to determine the best forage plants for different locations and purposes. The project involved a number of international organisations, including CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, the Department of Primary…

Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes

Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes Australian Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes is a fern and lycophyte identification and information system for species occurring in northern Australia north of Mackay. It was developed at the Australian Tropical Herbarium by Ashley Field, Chris Quinn and Frank Zich, to supplement the Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants 8 (2020) and Australian Tropical Rainforest Orchids (2010) systems…


MADEIRAS COMERCIAIS DO BRASIL – Chave interativa de identificação de madeiras BRAZILIAN COMMERCIAL TIMBERS – Interactive wood identification key Esta é uma chave interativa de identificação de madeiras comumente comercializadas no Brasil. A identificação é feita com base em caracteres gerais e caracteres anatômicos macroscópicos e é suficiente utilizar um canivete para fazer o corte…

Key to Rutaceae of Western Australia

Key to Rutaceae of Western Australia The Restionaceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 198 described and 7 undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View other…

Key to Restionaceae of Western Australia

Key to Restionaceae of Western Australia The Restionaceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 107 described and undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View other WA…

Key to Proteaceae of Western Australia

Key to Proteaceae of Western Australia The Proteaceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 963 described and 20 undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View other…

Key to the Malvaceae of Western Australia

Key to the Malvaceae of Western Australia The Malvaceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 381 described and 70 undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View…