Key to the Lamiaceae of Western Australia

Key to the Lamiaceae of Western Australia The Lamiaceae a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 251 described and 24 undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View other…

Key to Haemodoraceae of Western Australia

Key to Haemodoraceae of Western Australia The Haemodoraceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 127 described and undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin Thiele Visit other WA Herbarium keys Key…

Key to Goodeniaceae of Western Australia

Key to the Goodeniaceae of Western Australian The Goodeniaceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 332 described and 19 undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View…

Key to Fabaceae of Western Australia

Key to Fabaceae of Western Australia The Fabaceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 933 described and 52 undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View other…

Environmental Weeds of Australia

Environmental Weeds of Australia At the core of this App is an interactive Lucid identification key to 1020 plant species that are either significant or emerging environmental weeds in Australia. To help confirm the identification of weed species the app provides over 10,000 photos and a wealth of information on each weed species and how…

Vicflora Lucid keys

Vicflora Lucid keys VICFLORA is a comprehensive and current guide to the wild plants of Victoria. With plant profiles, identification tools and richly illustrated, the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria provides this resource free-of-charge for land managers, scientists, students and indeed anyone with an interest in Victorian plants. New Lucid keys to Fabaceae (excl. Acacia), Cyperaceae and…

Key to the Myrtaceae of New Zealand

Key to the Myrtaceae of New Zealand This key is for the identification of indigenous and exotic species within the Myrtaceae (myrtle) family that grow in New Zealand. Murray Dawson, Matt Buys, Chris Ecroyd, Elizabeth Miller, Colin Ogle, and Peter de Lange 97 main entities are included in the NZ Myrtaceae Key (mostly species, but also…

Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants

Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants Edition 8 “Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants” (the Rain Forest Key, or RFK) – the foremost identification and botanical guide to rainforest plants of northern Australia has reached a new milestone with the release of the eighth edition. For the first time the RFK is available as a mobile application which will…

Hawaiian Kalo

An identification guide for taro in the Hawaiian Islands An identification guide for taro (Colocasia esculenta) horticultural varieties and closely related species grown in the Hawaiian Islands. Authors: Shelley A. James, Kathleen Igeta, Amanda Harbottle, Holly Bolick, and Peter Van Dyke. Bishop Museum Hawaiian Kalo Home Screen Hawaiian Kalo plant diagram Previous Next

Families of Flowering Plants of Australia

Families of Flowering Plants of Australia Suppose you have found a plant that you cannot identify. You may wish to know more about it – how common or rare it is, for example, or whether it’s poisonous or useful. The first step in finding out more is usually to find out what species the plant…