Dung Beetles of eastern NSW – Demarziella subkey

Dung Beetles of eastern NSW – Demarziella subkey How to identify the Scarabaeinae of eastern New South Wales A subkey to the Key to the Dung Beetles of eastern New South Wales Australian Museum Key…

Dung Beetles of eastern NSW – Cephalodesmius subkey

Dung Beetles of eastern NSW – Cephalodesmius subkey How to identify the Scarabaeinae of eastern New South Wales A subkey to the Key to the Dung Beetles of eastern New South Wales Australian Museum Key…

Dung Beetles of eastern NSW – Aulacopris subkey

Dung Beetles of eastern NSW – Aulacopris subkey How to identify the Scarabaeinae of eastern New South Wales A subkey to the Key to the Dung Beetles of eastern New South Wales Australian Museum Key…

Dung Beetles of eastern NSW – Aptenocanthon subkey

Dung Beetles of eastern NSW – Aptenocanthon subkey How to identify the Scarabaeinae of eastern New South Wales A subkey to the Key to the Dung Beetles of eastern New South Wales Australian Museum Key…

Dung Beetles of eastern NSW – Amphistomus subkey

Dung Beetles of eastern NSW – Amphistomus subkey How to identify the Scarabaeinae of eastern New South Wales A subkey to the Key to the Dung Beetles of eastern New South Wales Australian Museum Key…

Key to the genera of Australian ladybirds

Key to the genera of Australian ladybirds Key to the genera of Australian ladybirds based on a taxonomic revision by Ślipiński, A. 2007. Key Author(s): Adam Ślipiński Key Publisher: CSIRO Entomology Key Version: 1.0 Key…

The moss genus Orthotrichum in Switzerland

The moss genus Orthotrichum in Switzerland Taxonomic scope: Bryophytes Description: The moss genus Orthotrichum is of particular interest in monitoring air pollution. This key contains 31 species known from Switzerland and adjacent countries. Nearly all…

Carrion Flies of Australia

Carrion Flies of Australia Welcome to Carrion Flies of Australia, an interactive tool for the identification of the flies most frequently encountered breeding in carrion in Australia. This tool enables the rapid identification of over…

Liriomyza Parasitoids in Southeast Asia

Liriomyza Parasitoids in Southeast Asia Leafmining insects are dangerous pests that reduce plant metabolic activities and can lead to desiccation and premature fall of the leaves. If leaves are seriously attacked, crops can be reduced…

Rice Doctor

Rice Doctor Rice Doctor is an interactive tool for extension workers, students, researchers and other users who want to learn and diagnose pest, disease, and other problems that can occur in rice; and how to…