Neotropical Triplophyllum
Neotropical Triplophyllum Key to the Neotropical Triplophyllum species based on Pradlo, J. and Moran, R. C. 2008. Revision of the neotropical species of Triplophyllum (Tectariaceae). Brittonia 60:103-130.
Neotropical Triplophyllum Key to the Neotropical Triplophyllum species based on Pradlo, J. and Moran, R. C. 2008. Revision of the neotropical species of Triplophyllum (Tectariaceae). Brittonia 60:103-130.
Amazonian ferns Key to identify lowland Amazonian fern species, with descriptions. Pictures privided by the authors and G.Moulatlet, M.Sundue, R.Moran, K.Kaunisto, D.Sasaki, W.Testo Funded by Academy of Finland Amazonian ferns Lucid key interface Amazonian ferns Lucid key image gallery example