Virus infection (unspecified)

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Diagnostic summary

  • What you see on plants

- Specific virus diseases can rarely be diagnosed on the basis of visible symptoms alone.  The purpose of this fact sheet is to cover those cases where symptoms suggest a virus problem, but are not sufficiently specific to identify which virus is responsible.


- Symptoms may include mild to moderate growth reduction, mild chlorosis or mottling, pale spots or veins and leaf deformities.

- Yield decline may be the only indication of problem.  It may not be recognised unless virus-free plants are grown for comparison.

- New infections appear on individual plants.  However, infections are spread through planting material from one generation to the next, and after a few years all plants are likely to be infected.

- Virus-infested plants may show little response to fertilizers, even where responses in other crops suggest that the fertilizers are needed.

Disease type

Economic importance

Geographical distribution


Biology and ecology

Host range



View full fact sheet

Fact sheets are available on the following sweetpotato viruses:

Sweetpotato caulimo-like virus

Sweetpotato chlorotic fleck virus

Sweetpotato chlorotic stunt  virus

Sweetpotato feathery mottle virus

Sweetpotato latent virus

Sweetpotato mild mottle virus

Sweetpotato ring spot virus

Sweetpotato virus disease