Glossary of Terms
Aciculate- covered with narrow, more or less parallel ridges. Acute- pointed; terminating in or forming less than a 90-degree angle. Acuminate- tapering to a long point. Anterior- front; in front of; in the direction toward the head. Apex- the part of a joint or segment that is opposite the base by which it is attached; the posterior portion of the elytra; the anterior portion of the pronotum. The distal portion of the antennal club. Apical- pertaining to the end, tip, or outermost part of a structure. Arcuate- arched, bow-like. Armature- sclerotized teeth, processes or coarse sculpturing. Asperate- roughened; having the surface finely or moderately roughened with acute elevations or asperites. Asperities- surface roughenings, dot-like sharp elevations or teeth small or moderate surface roughenings; from coarse granules to prominent elevations, especially the elevations on the anterior portion of the pronotum. Base- the part of any appendage or structure that is nearest the body; the posterior portion of the pronotum; the anterior portion of the elytra. Bilobed- divided into two lobes. Bisinuate- having two sinuations or undulations. Bristle- a short, stiff hair. Capitate- refers to a structure in which the distal portion is swollen, forming a subglobular mass. Carina, carinae- a narrow ridge or keel. Cirrus- a group of setae that form a conspicuous, slender pencil. Club- the enlarged terminal part of the antennae. Confused- irregular; punctures, crenulations, or pubescence not in regular rows. Contiguous- touching or in contact [when in a normal position]. Constricted- evenly but abruptly narrowed. Corneous- of a hard, smooth horn-like texture. Costa- an elevated ridge, rounded at it's crest. Coxa, coxae- the basal segment of a leg by which it is attached to the body. Crenulations- blunt, rounded teeth or scallops; evenly rounded and deeply curved. Declivity- the usually steeply sloped posterior face of the elytra, or the steeply sloping anterior face of the pronotum. Declivous- sloping gradually downward. Disc- the central portion of a major anatomical area, such as the pronotum or elytra; the elytral disc extends laterally from the suture to about the fourth striae and backward to near the declivity. Distal- pertaining to the portion of an appendage farthest from the body. Dorsal- of or pertaining to the back or upper side. Elytron, elytra- the hardened or thickened front wings of beetles which serve as coverings of the hind wings, usually meeting in a straight line down the dorsum. Emarginate- with a notch cut from the margin, as in a n eye, or the distal margin of a tarsal segment. Emargination- a notch breaking the margin. Entire- with a smooth, unbroken outline, as in an eye; without emargination. Episternal area- pertaining to the anterior area of the lateral or pleural portion of a thoracic segment directly above the coxa. Epistoma- the lower portion of the front of the head between the frons and the mouth cavity. Epistomal brush- a linear arrangement of hairs arising from the epistoma. Epistomal margin- the anterior or dorsal margin of the mouth cavity. Epistomal process- a flattened or convex dorsal prominence arising from the base of the epistoma, with its apex reaching toward the epistomal margin. Face- the outer surface of any part. Femur- the leg segment between the trochanter and the tibia. Frons- the front part of the head extending from the epistoma to the upper level of the eyes. Funicle- the portion of the antenna between the scape and the club, comprised of one to seven segments. Glabrous- without hair or setae. Granulate- having small granules on the surface. Impressed- imprinted, as if by pressure; having a depressed area or making. Intercoxal- between the coxae. Interstriae- the area between two elytral striae. Lateral- of or pertaining to the side. Medial, median- in the middle; along the body’s midline. Mesad, mesally- toward the midline of the body. Mesothoracic- belonging to the middle (second) segment of the thorax. Metathoracic- belonging to the posterior (third) segment of the thorax. Metepisternum- a narrow triangular plate situated laterally, between the coxae and the elytra, visible for its entire length in all genera except those in the tribes of Pityophthorini and Corthylini. Oblique- slanted, diagonal, or inclined; neither parallel nor perpendicular. Obliquely truncate- applied to the antennal club, club thickened at the base with the apical segments appearing telescoped at an angle. Obsolete- not present. Obtuse- blunt; an angle greater than 90 degrees. Plano- flat. Posterior- behind or hindmost part. Posterolateral- having to do with the rear or side area. Pro- anterior; a prefix meaning before, in front of. Process- an unarticulated prolongation of any part of the surface. Procurved- arcuate curving anteriorly; with the convexity in front (n-shaped); applied to antennal club sutures. Pronotum- the dorsal piece, or sclerite, of the prothorax. Prosternum- the ventral piece, or sclerite, of the prothorax. Prosternal intercoxal piece- the median, intercoxal extension of the prosternum. Prothorax- the first segment of the thorax. Protibia- the tibia of the pair of legs closest to the head. Pubescence- a dense or sparse covering of fine hair. Punctate- bearing punctures. Puncture- a small impression on the surface of the body, like that made by a needle. Recumbent- reclining, not erect, applied to hair or scales. Recurved- arcuate; curving posteriorly with the convexity behind (U-shaped); applied to antennal club sutures. Reticulate- marked with a network of fine, impressed or elevated lines. Rugose- wrinkled. Scale- one of numerous flattened outgrowths of cuticle covering part or all of the pronotum, elytra, or both. Scape- the elongate first segment of the antennae. Sclerite- a piece of the body wall bounded by sutures. Sclerotized- hardened. Sculpture- the elevated or impressed markings on the surface of the body. Scutellum- the small circular or triangular piece between the bases of the elytra Seta, setae- a short, stiff, pointed hair. Setose, Setiferous- having setae. Sinuate- undulating. Sinuation- an undulating margin. Spatulate- wide and flat. Spine- a thorn-shaped, generally pointed process emerging from a surface, normally longer than wide; an immovable, elongate, acute process. Sternite- the ventral piece, or sclerite, of a body segment, particularly of the abdomen Stria, striae- the parallel, impressed, usually punctured lines on the elytra from base to apex, a narrow, impressed line, usually longitudinal. Sub- used as a prefix meaning slightly less than. Sulcate- deeply furrowed, channeled or grooved. Suture- generally a groove or narrow membranous area between sclerites; the longitudinal line on the dorsum marking the junction of the elytra; a line of juncture between two antennal club segments. Tarsus, tarsi- the leg segment between the femur and the tarsus. Tibia- the fourth leg segment from the body from which the tarsus (foot) originates. Tooth- a short, acute process, often conical. Transverse- crosswise; at right angles to the longitudinal. Trochanter- the leg segment between the coxa and the femur. Tubercle- a coarse granule or small tooth; a bump, or generally rounded process emerging from a surface,usually not longer than wide. Uniseriate- in one row. Variegated- having discrete markings of different colors. Ventrad- toward the underside of the body; downward. Vestiture- general surface covering of hairs or scales. Definitions from James LaBonte, Oregon Dept. of Agriculture and adaptations from Borer et al. 1989, and Torre-Bueno, 1973. |
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