Thysanoptera Chinensis

Thysanoptera Chinensis Thripidae Genera from China 点击下面的按钮将语言切换为简体中文 This identification and information system includes 98 genera of the Thysanoptera family Thripidae that are thought to occur in China. This number is certain to increase, with expanding field studies on the Oriental and Holarctic components of the fauna of this highly diverse country. This system provides information…

key to the world species groups of Leucospis (Hymenoptera: Leucospidae)

Key to the world species groups of Leucospis (Hymenoptera: Leucospidae) This key provides an interactive identification tool designed to identify any Leucospis specimen to the species group level. The Lucid key recognizes 20 taxa of Leucospis, 16 species groups and 4 species sola (Darling and Cardinal 2005). Keys to the species are available in Boucek…

Thrips of Brazil

Thrips of Brazil The Thysanoptera fauna of Brazil is one of the most diverse in the world. More than 530 species were described based on material collected in Brazilian territory and approximately 700 species are recorded from this country. This number represents more than 10% of the species described in the Thysanoptera. Besides the large…

Liriomyza Parasitoids in Southeast Asia

Liriomyza Parasitoids in Southeast Asia Leafmining insects are dangerous pests that reduce plant metabolic activities and can lead to desiccation and premature fall of the leaves. If leaves are seriously attacked, crops can be reduced or seedling plants even totally destroyed (Spencer, 1990). The leafmining habit is found in several Lepidoptera and Diptera species, and…

Rice Doctor

Rice Doctor Rice Doctor is an interactive tool for extension workers, students, researchers and other users who want to learn and diagnose pest, disease, and other problems that can occur in rice; and how to manage them. This product has been developed by an international team involving – International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Lucid team…

Key to Families of Australian Aquatic Ephemeroptera Larvae

Australian Aquatic Ephemeroptera Larvae An order of palaeopterous insects. Nymphs of all species are aquatic, and occur in relatively unpolluted, standing and running freshwaters. The adults are short-lived ( a few minutes to several days), take no food, and do not move far from water. Adults are unique amongst living insects in undergoing a final…

The South African Sarcophaginae

The South African Sarcophaginae The flesh flies (Family Sarcophagidae) are comprised of three subfamilies Sarcophaginae, Miltograminae and Paramacronychiinae. This project proposes to focus on members of the subfamily Sarcophaginae found within South Africa. Identifying flesh flies is generally recognized as a difficult challenge because the group is rather uniform in its external morphology. The identification of species within this subfamily is…

Beetles of the World

Beetles of the World Beetles (order Coleoptera) are the most diverse and species-rich group of animals in the world. This fully-illustrated key allows users to identify adult beetles to the level of family, subfamily, and often to genus. Authors: J. F. Lawerence, A. M. Hasting, A. Seago, and A. Slipinski CSIRO Entomology To ask questions…