Neotropical Triplophyllum

Neotropical Triplophyllum Key to the Neotropical Triplophyllum species based on Pradlo, J. and Moran, R. C. 2008. Revision of the neotropical species of Triplophyllum (Tectariaceae). Brittonia 60:103-130.

Amazonian ferns

Amazonian ferns Key to identify lowland Amazonian fern species, with descriptions. Pictures privided by the authors and G.Moulatlet, M.Sundue, R.Moran, K.Kaunisto, D.Sasaki, W.Testo Funded by Academy of Finland Amazonian ferns Lucid key interface Amazonian ferns Lucid key image gallery example

Key to the Neotropical fern genus Danaea (Marattiaceae)

Key to the Neotropical fern genus Danaea (Marattiaceae) Key to all of the 79 species and two hybrids in the fern genus Danaea focused on identifying adult herbarium specimens. Pictures provided by the authors and M. Kessler, R. C. Moran, J. H. Nitta, W. Testo, H. Gallifet, C. Guezennec, P. Guezennec, G. M. Moutlatlet and…

Key to the tribes of the Compositae family

Key to the tribes of the Compositae family The International Compositae Alliance (TICA) Authors Jose Mauricio Bonifacino de LeónProfessor of Botany, Universidad de la República, Uruguay Vicki Funk (deceased)Dept of Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, USA Updated to Lucid v4 March 2025. Key to the tribes of the Compositae family Lucid key…

DenaliFlora Interactive Key

DenaliFlora Interactive Key This key is for visitors to Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska. It includes 300 of the most common and distinctive native plant species found in the park. Rare species and those, such as grasses and sedges, are excluded from the key, as are non-native plants (weeds and ornamentals). DenaliFlora Interactive…

Rainforest Plants of Australia – Rockhampton to Victoria – 2nd edition

Rainforest Plants of Australia – Rockhampton to Victoria – 2nd edition This 2nd edition Rainforests Plants of Australia – Rockhampton to Victoria has been substantially revised and updated to include currently accepted names and distribution of rainforest trees, shrubs and climbing plants in this area. This revision documents 1156 taxa (an increase of 16 species)…

Key to the Native Orchids of Western Australia

Updated December 2024 This key has been recently updated. See the updates page for more information on the changes. Dismiss this alert. Key to the Native Orchids of Western Australia is an interactive identification and information package that will help you identify and learn about all the currently known native orchids found in Western Australia…

Australian Mistletoe

Australian Mistletoe The Australian Mistletoe Key covers the aerial mistletoes of the families Loranthaceae and Santalaceae. Parasitic trees and shrubs of these families are not included. AuthorRoger Fryer australian_mistletoe_lucid_key Australian Mistletoe Lucid key image gallery example Australian Mistletoe Lucid key character help page Australian Mistletoe Lucid key glossary page

Seed Identification Guide

Seed Identification Guide Seed Identification Guide (SIG)® is a virtual publication of reference information on plant taxonomy, morphological features of plant dispersal units, identification fact sheets, identification keys, image galleries, and common botany terminologies. The plant species included in the guide have resulted from ISMA and the author’s projects. The publication is open to any…

Federal Noxious Weed Disseminules of the U.S.

Federal Noxious Weed Disseminules of the U.S. Fruits and seeds are the plant disseminules most responsible for the spread of weeds to new regions. These disseminules are frequently intercepted at U.S. ports of entry by quarantine officials, commonly as contaminants in commercial seed stocks, spices, foodstuffs, on trucks and containers, and in baggage. This tool,…