Key to the Dung Beetles of eastern New South Wales
Key to the Dung Beetles of eastern New South Wales
This key enables the user to identify adults of the dung beetles (family Scarabaeidae, subfamily Scarabaeinae) found in NSW between the coast and the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range. The species included are those known to occur in this region, with additional species from the collection of the Australian Museum. It has been designed for use by people with a range of skill levels in the identification of insects. The terminology has been simplified as much as possible and notes and images are attached for each of the taxa and character states to assist in interpretation. Links to definitions are included for many terms, and an extensive glossary is also included.
We thank the scientists whose taxonomic work has allowed us to construct this identification guide: Eric Matthews (South Australian Museum), Geoff Monteith (Queensland Museum), Ross Storey (Queensland Department of Primary Industries) and Tom Weir (Australian National Insect Collection). Tom provided many identifications of the difficult species. Geoff Williams (Taree) made valuable comments on an early draft of the key.
Many thanks to our colleagues Gareth Carter, Michael Elliott and Rossanna Silviera, who provided feedback on the key or provided support at crucial stages of the project. Particular thanks to Matthew Bulbert, who took many of the beetle photographs.
Australian Museum
Key Author(s): Australian Museum Key Publisher: Australian Museum Key Version: 1.0
Key to the Dung Beetles of eastern New South Wales Lucid key taxon image gallery example
Key to the Dung Beetles of eastern New South Wales Lucid key interface
Key to the Dung Beetles of eastern New South Wales Lucid key feature image gallery example