Seed Identification Guide

Seed Identification Guide Seed Identification Guide (SIG)® is a virtual publication of reference information on plant taxonomy, morphological features of plant dispersal units, identification fact sheets, identification keys, image galleries, and common botany terminologies. The…

Insects and spiders in West African Rice

Insects and spiders in West African Rice The proper identification of insect pests, and their associated natural enemies, is an important component in developing a holistic system for managing rice insect pests. To help national…

Anypodetus dichotomous key

Anypodetus dichotomous key Version 1, 2023 Dichotomous, pathway key to species of the Afrotropical Asilidae genus Anypodetus Hermann, 1907 developed in taxonomic revision published in Dikow & Dubus 2023 in African Invertebrates ( Authors Torsten…

Federal Noxious Weed Disseminules of the U.S.

Federal Noxious Weed Disseminules of the U.S. Fruits and seeds are the plant disseminules most responsible for the spread of weeds to new regions. These disseminules are frequently intercepted at U.S. ports of entry by…

Australian Freshwater Molluscs

Australian Freshwater Molluscs The snails and bivalves of Australian inland waters Australian Freshwater Molluscs is an interactive resource aimed at facilitating the identification and information retrieval of the entire freshwater mollusc fauna. Interactive identify to species…

An Identification key for Epacris

An Identification Key for Epacris A genus of 56 species, 4 with recognised sub-species. Tas., SA, Vic., NSW., Qld., New Zealand and New Caledonia. Author: Ron Crowden An Identification Key for Epacris – Lucid interface…

One Hundred and One Forest Fungi of Eastern Australia

One Hundred and One Forest Fungi of Eastern Australia One Hundred and One Forest Fungi of Eastern Australia is an interactive identification and information package that will help you identify and learn about a number…

Key fruit flies of importance to EU

Electronic multi-entry identification key for dacine fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae, Dacinae) of importance to the EU The key contains characters to differentiate between adults of 23 fruit fly species of the subfamily Dacinae, that are…