Rice Doctor – Assam edition
An app-based diagnostic tool that provides accurate and timely diagnosis of insect pests and diseases in rice and management recommendations to address the same.
Rice doctor is a mobile app that has been developed by Assam Agricultural University (AAU) with technical support from International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)developed under the Assam Agribusiness & Rural Transformation Project (APART) project, “Increasing productivity and profitability of small and marginal farmers in rice-based cropping systems” built on the Lucid Mobile Platform. Rice Doctor is a mid-season diagnostic tool that helps agricultural extension advisors and farmers have accurate and timely diagnosis of nearly 80 crop problems caused by insect pests, diseases and abiotic stresses due to agronomic mismanagement, nutritional imbalance etc., The Rice Doctor helps to visually diagnose the cause of the problem and provides actionable cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical advice for the prevention and management of the problem. Rice Doctor seeks to enable its users to diagnose and manage rice crop problems better.
Rice Doctor supports agricultural extension advisors and farmers by providing:
- Instant diagnosis of nearly 80 crop problems including insect pests, diseases, nutrient deficiencies and toxicities.
- Management and prevention options.
- An option to upload images of rice problems to get management recommendations from experts; The users can send information on rice problems to experts for diagnosis and recommendations.
- The experts will identify the problem and send recommendations to the phone number as an SMS.