Key to the click beetle genera of Canada and USA (Coleoptera: Elateridae)

Key to the click beetle genera of Canada and USA (Coleoptera: Elateridae) About the key A matrix key designed to allow genus-level identification of adult Elateridae. Species with intermediate or variable character states were coded as ambiguous for that particular character. Here, the key can provide robust identifications even where users were uncertain which character…


Carpophiline-ID: an interactive matrix-based key to the carpophiline sap beetles (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) of Eastern North America We present Carpophiline-ID, a matrix-based LucidTM key, for the adult stage of the known species of Carpophilinae (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) of North America, east of the Mississippi River. The list of terminal taxa used in the key represents the most…

Interactive key to New World Diplotaxini genera and to Brazilian Liogenys Guérin-Méneville species

Interactive key to New World Diplotaxini genera and to Brazilian Liogenys Guérin-Méneville species Liogenys Guérin-Méneville, the most speciose Neotropical Diplotaxini, occurs from Panama throughout most of South America to southern Argentina and Chile and comprises about 95 species (Cherman et al. 2019). During the taxonomic revision of this genus (2011-2019) 38 new species were found…

Beetles of the World

Beetles of the World Beetles (order Coleoptera) are the most diverse and species-rich group of animals in the world. This fully-illustrated key allows users to identify adult beetles to the level of family, subfamily, and often to genus. Authors: J. F. Lawerence, A. M. Hasting, A. Seago, and A. Slipinski CSIRO Entomology To ask questions…

Key to Insect Orders

Key to Insect Orders Using this unique keying software (Lucid) you do not need to know the taxonomy of the Insect Order you are trying to identify – you can progress from any level or characteristic learning as you go, solving the taxonomic problems by trial and error. This approach makes Key to Insect Orders…