Thysanoptera – Tubulifera Europaea

Thysanoptera – Tubulifera Europaea Thysanoptera-Phlaeothripidae genera recorded from Europe In Europe, thrips are commonly considered to be flower-living insects, with such thrips being members of the Thysanoptera suborder Terebrantia. However, the word “thrips” is derived from a Greek word for “woodworm”. This name refers to the life-style of the many thrips species that live on…

Key fruit flies of importance to EU

Electronic multi-entry identification key for dacine fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae, Dacinae) of importance to the EU The key contains characters to differentiate between adults of 23 fruit fly species of the subfamily Dacinae, that are considered of economic significance to the European Union region and associated regions. This key is composed within the framework of…

Key to European genera of bees (Anthophila)

Key to European genera of bees (Anthophila) Geographical scope Map of key to European bee genera The geographical coverage of this key is political, not biogeographical, Europe. The coverage is shown in the map below, and is as follows: Iceland in the northwest, Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya to the north, and Russia East…

Invasive aquatic plants in Europe

Invasive aquatic plants in Europe Introduction This key is an identification tool for invasive aquatic plants and the close allies (‘look-alikes’). Part of the species is traded as ornamental plants for ponds and aquaria. As such they may escape cultivation and start colonizing natural environments and become a pest. A total of 78 species is…

Key to the invasive terrestrial plants in Europe

Key to the invasive terrestrial plants in Europe IntroductionThis key helps to identify the major invasive terrestrial plants in NW Europe. Invasive are those species that pose a threat to the biodiversity of the ecoregion. Species included are both those that already are known to be invasive in this region, as well as species known…

Key to the weeds in imported bonsai or other potplants in Europe

Key to the weeds in imported bonsai plants in Europe IntroductionThis key is an identification tool for weeds that are introduced in Europe as they are imported as weeds in bonsai or other potplants. As many potplants are produced in Asia and South America, many common weeds in those regions are included. The species treated…