The Caterpillar Key

An interactive key for identifying families of Lepidoptera larvae, particularly those of Australian biosecurity concern.

The objective of this Lucid Key for caterpillars is to provide a tool for the identification of caterpillars to family level, with a particular focus on families of biosecurity concern to northern Australia. We have included as many families of Lepidoptera as possible, to make the key broadly applicable to most caterpillars encountered in Australia, either as border interceptions or those collected or even observed by the public, within the limitations of the key.


Diane Moyle and Dr Catherine Byrne*
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
GPO Box 1164, Hobart TAS 7001 Australia
[email protected]
[email protected]

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Please contact the authors directly if you have any comments or suggestions to improve the functionality and/or efficacy of this key.