Key to Proteaceae of Western Australia

Key to Proteaceae of Western Australia The Proteaceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 963 described and 20 undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View other…

Key to the Malvaceae of Western Australia

Key to the Malvaceae of Western Australia The Malvaceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 381 described and 70 undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View…

Key to the Lamiaceae of Western Australia

Key to the Lamiaceae of Western Australia The Lamiaceae a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 251 described and 24 undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View other…

Key to Haemodoraceae of Western Australia

Key to Haemodoraceae of Western Australia The Haemodoraceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 127 described and undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin Thiele Visit other WA Herbarium keys Key…

Key to Goodeniaceae of Western Australia

Key to the Goodeniaceae of Western Australian The Goodeniaceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 332 described and 19 undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia. Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View…

Key to Fabaceae of Western Australia

Key to Fabaceae of Western Australia The Fabaceae is a largely Australian family. It has a centre of diversity in Western Australia, where there are 933 described and 52 undescribed (phrase-named) species recognized. This key includes all described and phrase-named taxa in Western Australia Authors: Chris Hollister & Kevin ThieleWestern Australian Herbarium, Perth View other…

Key to identify Chilean bats (Clave para identificar murciélagos de Chile)

Guía para la identificación de los murciélagos de Chile (Guide to identification of the bats of Chile) Identification guide for the bats of Chile. These keys provide identification for both bats in hand and non-invasive acoustic identification using species specific unique vocal signatures. This is the first Spanish language guide of a series of acoustic…

Afrotropical Mydidae genera dichotomous key

Afrotropical Mydidae genera dichotomous key Identification key to Afrotropical Mydidae genera published originally by Dikow in 2017 in the Manual of Afrotropical Diptera volume 2 (see This key includes updates and enhancements to the original key and will be kept up-to-date to include new taxa or synonymy etc. The present key is Version 2,…

IDphy: molecular and morphological identification of Phytophthora based on the types

IDphy: molecular and morphological identification of Phytophthora based on the types IDphy was developed to facilitate accurate and efficient identification of Phytophthora to species, using type specimens from the original descriptions for reference wherever possible. IDphy emphasizes species of high economic impact and species of regulatory concern for the U.S. IDphy includes molecular and morphological…

Eremohaplomydas, Haplomydas, and Lachnocorynus key

Eremohaplomydas, Haplomydas, and Lachnocorynus key Dichotomous key to species of the Afrotropical Mydidae genera Eremohaplomydas Bequaert, 1959, Haplomydas, Bezzi, 1924, and Lachnocorynus Hesse, 1969 resulting from taxonomic revision published in Boschert & Dikow 2021 in African Invertebrates. Authors: Claire Boschert and Torsten Dikow Previous Next