The Caterpillar Key

The Caterpillar Key An interactive key for identifying families of Lepidoptera larvae, particularly those of Australian biosecurity concern. The objective of this Lucid Key for caterpillars is to provide a tool for the identification of caterpillars to family level, with a particular focus on families of biosecurity concern to northern Australia. We have included as…


TingID Identification of lace bugs intercepted at U.S. ports of entry The Tingidae, known as lace bugs, is a family of true bugs containing around 2,500 species in about 300 genera. Of these, 50 genera and 95 species have been intercepted at US ports of entry, with over 40% of interceptions associated with cargo entering…

Electronic identification key of the genus Chinavia Orian, 1965 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)

Electronic identification key of the genus Chinavia Orian, 1965 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Among the green stink bugs, the genus Chinavia Orian is the most specious, with 85 species distributed in the Nearctic, Neotropical and Afrotropical regions. Due to the polyphagous habit, some species are considered as pests in cultivated plants, generating economic importance in this genus.…

Thysanoptera Australiensis

Thysanoptera Australiensis An identification and information system to thrips in Australia This system is a revised version of “Ozthrips” (Mound et al., 2012). It has been produced partly to take advantage of the most recent Lucid software that overcomes technical problems arising from Java software, and partly to incorporate new information and additional taxa and images.…

Key to European genera of bees (Anthophila)

Key to European genera of bees (Anthophila) Geographical scope Map of key to European bee genera The geographical coverage of this key is political, not biogeographical, Europe. The coverage is shown in the map below, and is as follows: Iceland in the northwest, Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya to the north, and Russia East…

Interactive key to New World Diplotaxini genera and to Brazilian Liogenys Guérin-Méneville species

Interactive key to New World Diplotaxini genera and to Brazilian Liogenys Guérin-Méneville species Liogenys Guérin-Méneville, the most speciose Neotropical Diplotaxini, occurs from Panama throughout most of South America to southern Argentina and Chile and comprises about 95 species (Cherman et al. 2019). During the taxonomic revision of this genus (2011-2019) 38 new species were found…

Thrips of California

Thrips of California 2019 This revised version of Hoddle et al. (2012) has been produced partly to overcome technical problems arising from Java software and partly to incorporate new information and images, together with some additional potentially invasive species. Information pages are provided to 300 species in 108 genera, with the identification system discriminating 249…

Thrips of the British Isles

Thrips of the British Isles Thysanoptera Britannica et Hibernica Thrips of the British Isles This identification and information system includes 177 species of thrips that have been taken alive on the British Isles at least once. It provides a means of identifying species, together with an introduction to what is known of the biology and…

What Bug Is That?

What Bug Is That? About this projectWhat Bug Is That? provides identification keys and information to the 600+ insect families of Australia. Insects have always been a challenge to identify because of their extremely high diversity. We estimate there are approximately 200,000 species of insects in Australia, and these are placed in about 640 families…

Interactive Multiplex Keys to Adult Female Mosquito Species of China (Diptera, Culicidae)

Interactive Multiplex Keys to Adult Female Mosquito Species of China (Diptera, Culicidae) IntroductionThis key is an interactive diagnostic tool to help identify the medical important species of China, which comprises 33 species, forming a multivariate matrix of 76 morphological characters and more than 410 images to support identification of adult female mosquito species. Direct URL:…