AusGrass: Grasses of Australia

AusGrass: Grasses of Australia AusGrass, an interactive information system and key for the 1323 native and naturalised species of grass in Australia. This number includes all formally described species and several as-yet undescribed and informal taxa. Keys are provided for many of the recognised subspecies and varieties. With AusGrass you will be able to: Use…

Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants

Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants The main goal for Edition 7 of Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants was to extend the coverage of the key to include the whole of the Australian tropics; previous editions covered south to Townsville which is c. 450 km north of the Tropic of Capricorn. Thus, Edition 7 adds the taxa found…

EUCLID Eucalypts of Australia – Fourth Edition

EUCLID Eucalypts of Australia – Fourth Edition EUCLID provides complete descriptions of 934 species of Angophora, Corymbia and Eucalyptus plus an interactive identification key using LucidTM software. It covers all Australian States and Territories. Over twelve thousand images are used to assist interpretation of species features and the species themselves as well as their geographic distribution. This innovative application makes identification a…

Crop rotations and their resistance to plant-parasitic nematodes

Crop rotations and their resistance to plant-parasitic nematodes Plant-parasitic nematodes are a major constraint to banana production. An important strategy for management is the use of non-host rotation crops that limit nematode feeding and reproduction. This selection tool provides recommendations for Queensland horticultural industries on the most suitable rotation crop to manage a specific plant-parasitic…

Key to willow species and hybrids present in New Zealand

Key to willow species and hybrids present in New Zealand This key is illustrated with more than 2000 images of willow species and hybrids that are either wild or in cultivation in New Zealand, and the features that are used to identify them. Most illustrations are of willow clones grown in the national willow collection…

Invasive aquatic plants in Europe

Invasive aquatic plants in Europe Introduction This key is an identification tool for invasive aquatic plants and the close allies (‘look-alikes’). Part of the species is traded as ornamental plants for ponds and aquaria. As such they may escape cultivation and start colonizing natural environments and become a pest. A total of 78 species is…

Pennisetum key

Pennisetum key Introduction This key is specifically developed for the identification of species belonging to the genus Pennisetum available on the European market. The reason for developing this key is the large number of Pennisetum species and varieties available and the difficulty of distinguishing them from each other. Since August 2017 one Pennisetum species, Pennisetum…

Seedlings of invasive plants

Seedlings of invasive plants IntroductionThis key helps to identify seedlings of invasive plants, so plants can be recognized in an early stage of development. The species included are those of invasive terrestrial plants and/or plants which are introduced as weeds in imported potplants. A total of 92 species is included. All features are illustrated with…

Seeds of invasive plants

Seeds of invasive plants IntroductionThis key is an identification tool for seeds of invasive plants. The choice of species was based on an extensive survey of seeds and seed mixtures in trade, where the seeds of these invasive species were found as contamination. A total of 143 species is included. All features are illustrated with…

Key to the invasive terrestrial plants in Europe

Key to the invasive terrestrial plants in Europe IntroductionThis key helps to identify the major invasive terrestrial plants in NW Europe. Invasive are those species that pose a threat to the biodiversity of the ecoregion. Species included are both those that already are known to be invasive in this region, as well as species known…