Pest thrips in Timor Leste
The insect Order Thysanoptera includes about 6300 described species worldwide. The greatest number of species live in tropical countries, but on Timor Leste scarcely 100 species have been recorded. The objective of the work presented here is to enable agricultural, horticultural, and quarantine entomologists of this country to recognize pest thrips species and to distinguish these from the many other thrips that live on a wide range of plants.
This is one of five similar Lucid systems concerning Thysanoptera that have been issued over the past three years.
Mound L, Collins D & Hastings A (2018) Thysanoptera Britannica et Hibernica. A guide to British thrips., Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. see British thrips
Mound L, Hoddle MS & Hastings A (2019) Thysanoptera Californica. An identification and information system to thrips in California., Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. see California thrips
Mound LA, Nielsen M & Hastings A (2017) Thysanoptera Aotearoa – Thrips of New Zealand., Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. see New Zealand thrips
Mound LA & Tree DC (2020) Thysanoptera Australiensis – Thrips of Australia., Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. see Australian thrips
Zhang SM, Mound LA, & Hastings A (2020) Thysanoptera-Thripidae Chinensis. Thripidae Genera from China ., Identic Pty Ltd, Queensland, Australia. see China Thripidae