Thysanoptera – Tubulifera Europaea

Thysanoptera – Tubulifera Europaea Thysanoptera-Phlaeothripidae genera recorded from Europe In Europe, thrips are commonly considered to be flower-living insects, with such thrips being members of the Thysanoptera suborder Terebrantia. However, the word “thrips” is derived from a Greek word for “woodworm”. This name refers to the life-style of the many thrips species that live on…

Tubulifera Australiensis

Tubulifera Australiensis Thysanoptera-Phlaeothripidae genera in Australia In the insect Order Thysanoptera, the suborder Tubulifera includes only a single family of living thrips, the Phlaeothripidae, and this family includes at least 66% of the thrips species known from Australia. The illustrated identification system presented here helps to distinguish the 150 genera of Phlaeothripidae recorded from Australia…

Pest thrips in Timor Leste

Pest thrips in Timor Leste The insect Order Thysanoptera includes about 6300 described species worldwide. The greatest number of species live in tropical countries, but on Timor Leste scarcely 100 species have been recorded. The objective of the work presented here is to enable agricultural, horticultural, and quarantine entomologists of this country to recognize pest…

Thysanoptera Australiensis

Thysanoptera Australiensis An identification and information system to thrips in Australia This system is a revised version of “Ozthrips” (Mound et al., 2012). It has been produced partly to take advantage of the most recent Lucid software that overcomes technical problems arising from Java software, and partly to incorporate new information and additional taxa and images.…

Thrips of California

Thrips of California 2019 This revised version of Hoddle et al. (2012) has been produced partly to overcome technical problems arising from Java software and partly to incorporate new information and images, together with some additional potentially invasive species. Information pages are provided to 300 species in 108 genera, with the identification system discriminating 249…

Thrips of the British Isles

Thrips of the British Isles Thysanoptera Britannica et Hibernica Thrips of the British Isles This identification and information system includes 177 species of thrips that have been taken alive on the British Isles at least once. It provides a means of identifying species, together with an introduction to what is known of the biology and…

Thysanoptera Chinensis

Thysanoptera Chinensis Thripidae Genera from China 点击下面的按钮将语言切换为简体中文 This identification and information system includes 98 genera of the Thysanoptera family Thripidae that are thought to occur in China. This number is certain to increase, with expanding field studies on the Oriental and Holarctic components of the fauna of this highly diverse country. This system provides information…

Thrips of Brazil

Thrips of Brazil The Thysanoptera fauna of Brazil is one of the most diverse in the world. More than 530 species were described based on material collected in Brazilian territory and approximately 700 species are recorded from this country. This number represents more than 10% of the species described in the Thysanoptera. Besides the large…

Key to Insect Orders

Key to Insect Orders Using this unique keying software (Lucid) you do not need to know the taxonomy of the Insect Order you are trying to identify – you can progress from any level or characteristic learning as you go, solving the taxonomic problems by trial and error. This approach makes Key to Insect Orders…